0.7// Angel

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It was Saturday, and Luke was waiting for Melody to get to his house. He'd been pacing around the living room, and kitchen for the past hour since she texted him. His brothers were home, and he didn't know how they would react to Melody. Luke had a 'bro-over' last night with Mike and Ash, and they'd teased him about how flirty he was with Melody. Luke just shrugged it off, it was all innocent they were just friends.

Ben and Jack were sat in the living room, and Luke wanted nothing more than for them to go out or something.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" Ben asked Luke after he had paced back into the living room. Jack was looking at look him questioningly, Luke sighed and sat down on the couch next to his brothers.

"A friend is coming over," Luke mumbled. His brothers were notorious for embarrassing the absolute shit out of Luke whenever he would have someone new come over. Jack and Ben both smirked but said nothing. Luke had wished he'd asked Melody if they could hang out at hers. 

To: Luke dropyourpanties Hemmings
I'm outside come get me

Luke gulped and got up from the couch, he looked back, and his brothers had their gazes focused on the door. Luke ran a shaky hand through his hair, and opened the door. He inhaled deeply, and Melody smiled at him. Luke raked his eyes over her body, she was wearing lounge shorts and a plain black tank top. Melody raised an eyebrow at Luke, but he didn't notice because he was too preoccupied by her legs.

"Are you going to let me in?" Melody laughed, snapping Luke out of his trance. He immediately blushed, and moved out of the way to let her step in. Melody noticed the two boys sitting on the couch, they resembled Luke. Luke shot a warning glare at his brothers, but they both smiled nastily at him.

"So who is this, Lukey boy?" Jack asked, amusement clear in his eyes. Melody shied into Luke's side, and he absentmindedly leaned into her. 

"Uh, this is Melody," Luke announced, scratching the back of his neck. Melody offered the two older boys a slight wave. 

"Is this your girlfriend?" Ben asked, leaning forward on his elbows. Melody blushed, and she looked up at Luke who was doing the same.

"No, she's my friend," Luke clarified. Melody suddenly felt very exposed, the only reason she had worn shorts and a tank top was because it was hotter than hell outside. She was regretting her decision now since everyone's eyes were on her.

"Sure," Ben laughed, turning to Jack. "Friends," he said, using air quotes.

"Alright, come on," Luke finally said, having enough of his brothers. He tugged Melody through the house, and into his room. Luke shut the door and ran a hand over his face. "I'm sorry," he apologized for his brothers. Melody shook her head, and looked around Luke's room.

"It's fine," she said quietly. There were band posters everywhere. She recognized some of the bands, and smiled to herself. She liked when people had the same music taste as her. "You like All Time Low, too?" She asked turning back around to face Luke. 

"Like is an understatement," he laughed, and plopped down on his bed. Melody stood in the middle of his room awkwardly, not knowing where to sit. "C'mere," he called, patting his bed. Melody walked over to the bed slowly, and sat cross legged at the end of it. Luke laughed to himself, she looked so cute and flustered.

"So, when are you gonna call her?" Melody asked, looking down to play with her fingers.

"Don't know, depends," he shrugged, Melody raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you going to leave after I call her?" Luke asked her.

"Not unless you want me to?" She said, it was more like a question though. Luke shook his head, and suddenly there was banging on the wall and loud sexual noises being made. Luke's eyes went wide, he literally wanted to kill his brothers right now. Melody was covering her mouth to suppress her giggles. He was glad she wasn't getting freaked out by them.

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