0.5// Or Nah

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Melody was patiently waiting for Luke and his friends by her locker. Autumn, Nikki, and Calum had already walked to the parking lot to stand by Melody's car. Melody spotted Luke through the sea of people in the hallway, because he was freakishly tall, and his tall hair made him stand out even more. Michael and Ashton were trailing behind him, both on their phones.

"So, just follow me, yeah?" Melody said, once the three boys had reached her locker. Ashton nodded, since he would be the one driving Luke and Michael. Luke walked next to Melody, who was keeping her head down. She still wasn't completely comfortable with the whole no makeup thing, and she didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to herself. Luke looked down at her, and tipped her chin up. 

"But you gotta keep your head up, whoa!" He sang, and giggled to himself. Melody stared at him wide eyed, Luke had a beautiful voice. She never would have guessed.

"Sap," Michael teased, and shoved Luke's shoulder. Luke shrugged and started humming the tune of Keep Your Head Up

"He's right," Melody nodded. Luke briefly stuck his tongue out at her, and went back to humming. 

"This is mine," Ashton said, gesturing to the car in front of the group. Michael was already getting into the front seat, and Luke was whining that his legs didn't have enough room in the back. 

"Mine is over there," Melody pointed, at a black Nissan Maxima (her parents got her the car for a birthday gift, and Melody had fallen in love with it). Melody quickly walked over to her car, she looked back at Ashton who gave her a thumbs up, and unlocked it so everyone could pile in. 

The ride to Melody's wasn't very long, she could walk to school if she wanted to but why walk when you have your own car. Melody parked her car in the driveway, and Ashton parked his on the street.

"Can we get food?" Nikki asked as Melody was unlocking the front door.

"There's pizza from last night," Melody replied, looking back at Luke. He rolled his eyes, and blushed a bit. Once the door was open they all piled in. The boys that had never been to her house were giving her compliments about how nice, and clean it was. "Food?" Melody asked, walking into the kitchen. The group followed her and sat down at the table. Melody pulled out the pizza box, and turned on the oven so she could reheat the pizza.

"Don't you work there, Luke?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," Luke answered, scratching the back of his neck. Nikki and Autumn were looking at Melody now.

"He delivered this pizza," Ashton laughed, Luke's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed red. Melody was confused about how Ashton knew that, why would Luke tell him something like that?

"That's what you were laughing at!" Autumn pointed at Melody. "No one almost dropped the pizza, you liar," she went on.

"She just didn't want us to know," Nikki shrugged. Melody raised an eyebrow at her friend, what did that mean? After Melody put the pizza in the oven, and set a timer, she sat at the table with everyone.

"I just didn't want to embarrass pizza boy anymore," Melody giggled. Luke groaned, and rubbed a hand over his face.

"Worst job ever," he mumbled to himself. "Can we turn on some music?" Luke asked, pointing to Melody's iHome sitting in the middle of the table. Melody nodded to Luke who reached over the table to press play. Melody's iPod was already plugged in and she hoped a Jonas Brother's song wouldn't start playing, she kind of had a sick obsession with them. But what started playing was much worse than any Jonas Brother's song. Melody swallowed hard, and tried not to pay too much attention to the song that was playing. But she couldn't ignore the blush that was slowly creeping up her neck.

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