2.3// Dinner

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Italics are like flashback kinda things, like events that happened prior to the things that are normal ya feel alright.

"I don't mean to freak you out or anything, but my mom asked me to ask you to dinner." Melody nervously told Luke. She felt him tense up beside her, and she immediately wanted to reduce into nothing more than a puddle. "I know you just asked me to be your girlfriend and everything, but she asked before that. You don't have to come if you don't want, I'm sorry I-"

Luke laughed under his breath at Melody's word vomit, "Mel I'm going to come, I'm just nervous about your dad."

Melody smiled and turned to face him, "He's honestly nothing to worry about."

Melody lied, she lied so hard, and Luke's face was so red he wanted to sprint out of her front door. Melody looked no better, except she wasn't the one being given a police integration by her father. Since dinner had started everyone could feel the tension in the room, and Luke knew he was absolutely done for. He'd never had dinner with his girlfriend's parents- mostly because he never had girlfriends- so he didn't know what he was getting himself into. 

"So what are your intentions with my daughter?" Mr. Healey asked, he had already told Luke that his name was Tom, but Luke was still afraid to address him as such.

"Uh, I just want to make her happy," Luke gulped, and looked to Melody for help.

Tom scoffed, "You don't sound too sure of that." 

"Dad," Melody warned. She couldn't believe that her father was acting so rude to Luke. She had given her dad a talk before Luke had gotten to the house to not scare him off, and now he was doing the exact opposite. 

"What? He didn't," Tom looked at Melody's mom, who also told Luke to call her Susan (but he wasn't going to do that either).

Luke knitted his brows together and spoke up, "No, I am sure that I want to make her happy, Sir. She really means a lot to me, and there are so many things that I want to do for her to make her happy that I didn't know where to begin. I would never intentionally hurt her." 

Melody was blushing when Luke looked over to her, and he swore that he saw Tom smile a bit.

"Listen, you hurt my daughter and I will-"

Melody cut him off by speaking to Luke, "That was cute, Lucas."

"I try," Luke shrugged, as his cheeks heated up and he looked down to his lap.

Tom groaned, as Susan reached over and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. 

"We know you'll be good to her, I wasn't surprised at all when she told me you were dating," Susan smiled warmly at Luke.

"Luke is coming over for dinner," Melody told her mother as she walked into the kitchen. She had just gotten back from his house, and she wanted to give her mom enough time to do her thing. Usually when they had guests for dinner her mom would clean the whole house top to bottom, and make her all time favorite lasagna. 

"Oh! He said yes! That's great, I'll tell your father," she smiled, turning to find wherever her husband was lurking.

Melody played with her fingers for a second before speaking up, "We're kind of dating."

"Weren't you always?" Her mom asked, turning back around to face her daughter.

Melody rolled her eyes, and shook her head. "Please don't scare him away."

"I think everyone but us wasn't too surprised," Luke said gesturing to himself and Melody. He watched as she nodded her head and giggled a bit.

The four had finished their food, and Melody looked to her mom who nodded, signalling that her and Luke could leave the table. Melody got up from her seat first, and took her and Luke's plate to the sink. She nodded to Luke who stood up from his seat.

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