0.4// Nerves

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Melody cautiously approached her Chemistry classroom, she didn't want to stumble upon Luke and his girlfriend again this morning. She had taken Luke's advice from yesterday, and arrived earlier. She took her seat in the back of the classroom and took out her phone from her sweat pants pocket, mindlessly scrolling through her twitter feed. She didn't look up when she heard the chair next to her scrape against the floor, or when Luke cleared his throat. 

"Morning, Melody," Luke beamed, he was in a very good mood today. He had freaked his friends out earlier because he was in such a good mood. Melody stuffed her phone back in her pocket and looked up at Luke.

"Morning, pizza boy," she giggled. Luke rolled his eyes at her but joined in with her laughter. They still had a few minutes until class started and Luke was determined to get Melody's number today. Ashton was already talking about how he'd get Melody to be his friend much quicker than Luke could, and it was kind of turning into a competition between them. Melody had met Luke first, so in Luke's mind that meant he would be winning.

"You look comfy," Luke observed, looking at Melody's laid back attire. She was wearing baggy gray sweatpants, and a black tee shirt. Her hair was also in a bun, but there were tons of little strands that hadn't made it into the bun framing her face.

"I am, these pants are actually the best investment I think I've ever made," she mused, patting her oversized pants. Luke nodded, he rarely wore sweatpants for some strange reason. He'd always preferred jeans (ones that hugged his legs so tight they really left nothing to the imagination). Michael had just walked into the class room and Luke gave him 'the bro nod'. Michael smirked at Luke, he new about this little competition going on between Luke and Ashton. Luke had asked for Michael's help, but he vowed to stay out of it and let the best man win. In the short couple minutes that Luke hadn't spoken, Melody had pulled out her phone again.

"Melody," Luke groaned, she didn't answer. "Melodyyyyy," He tried again, no answer. "Okay, seriously Melody?"

"You're awfully needy today, Luke," she laughed, not looking up from her phone. Luke peered down at the screen, she was texting someone at lightning speed.

"Who ya texting?" Luke asked.

"Calum, do you know him?" Melody asked, and finally looked over at Luke. He bit his lip, was Calum her boyfriend? Maybe this is why she wasn't interested in talking to Luke.

"Er, kind of. I've talked to him a few times," Luke gulped, "Is he your boyfriend?" 

"No, I met him yesterday in one of my classes," she shrugged. Luke frowned, she gave Calum her number and not him? "Why are you pouting?" Melody questioned, raising an eyebrow at Luke.

"I'm not pouting," he mumbled. Melody was about to comment on how Luke looked like someone had just pissed in his apple juice, but their teacher started the lesson so Melody kept her mouth shut. Melody already disliked this class, it was the second day of school and she was already being taught something. Melody saw Luke take out his phone, and start texting someone.

Luke was texting Michael, who was unfortunately seated in the front of the class.

To: Mikey
I have a new competitor

To: Puke Hemmings

To: Mikey

To: Puke Hemmings
Seriously? How'd you find that out?

To: Mikey
She was texting him

To: Puke Hemmings
So currently the standings are: Calum - 1st place, and you and Ash are in a tie

To: Mikey
Not fair at least I've talked to her Ashton doesn't even know her

To: Puke Hemmings
Yeah fine I guess you're in 2nd place

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