2.2// Pancakes

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Pls be prepared this is so bad I don't know I just wanted to update sorry

Melody was currently laying alone in Luke's bed, and she couldn't sleep. She felt bad that he was on the couch, and she was in his bed. She offered to sleep on the couch but Luke insisted that he would be fine because he wanted her to be comfortable. So she was left in his bed rolling under around under his blankets for hours. It felt empty without him, and all she wanted was to be cuddled against his chest.

She was contemplating going out to the living room to check if Luke was still awake, but knowing him he had probably passed out hours ago. Melody grunted in annoyance, and rolled over once more to grab her phone; she might as well do something if she was going to get no sleep. While she was going through her normal routine of checking twitter, instagram, then tumblr, Nikki started spam texting her.

To: Ariel's Daughter

To: Ariel's Daughter
Please tell me you're awake

To: Ariel's Daughter
Please I need you

To: Ariel's Daughter

To: Ariel's Daughter

Nikki was acting like Melody was ignoring her, but her messages had all arrived in the same minute.

To: Icky Nikki
Are you dying what's up?

To: Ariel's Daughter
I'm calling you

Melody had just finished reading the message when the call screen popped up on her phone. Melody answered quickly because it seemed like this was a life or death situation for Nik.

"Hey?" Melody answered as she put her phone up to her ear.

Nikki was silent for a second before Melody heard her speak, "Melody, I'm such an idiot," she whined.

"Why? What happened?" Mel asked, sitting up in Luke's bed. She rested her back against the wall, and patiently waited for Nikki to start explaining.

"I kissed Michael," Nik confessed, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Holy shit," Melody mumbled. "You like him?" She asked, breathless.

"Yeah, we've been hanging out."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mel asked, a little offended that Nikki hadn't told her about her crush on Michael.

"You didn't tell me about Luke," she snapped.

Mel bit the inside of her cheek, "Oh."

Nikki sighed again, "Sorry, I'm just freaking out."

"Yeah, I understand. What happened after you kissed him?"

"He left," Nik groaned, she was beyond embarrassed by what had happened.

Melody gasped slightly, "I'm sorry, Nik. I'll beat him up for you," she offered. She truly felt bad for her friend. If it were her she would have been crying, so she thought Nikki was taking it pretty well given the circumstances.

"I just thought he kind of liked me too, if I knew he would react like that I wouldn't have kissed him in the first place. I just ruined everything," Nik told her. Her voice grew louder as she got more aggravated with the situation.

"I can have Luke talk to him if you want?" Melody proposed, timidly. She didn't want to upset Nikki any further.

"No! Melody, do not tell him any of this!" She cried, as long as Michael didn't tell anyone the whole thing would be kept a secret.

"Okay, sorry," Mel mumbled, looking down at her lap. She was toying with Luke's blanket in her fingers.

Nikki groaned loudly, "I'm going to go eat my feelings in Ben & Jerry's."

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