3.0// Coming Down

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I GOT A TATTOO!!!!!!!!!!! Long live the car crash hearts!! If  you don't know it's fall out boy lyrics from the song thriller. I've wanted this for literally almost two years, I'm so happy and I'm in love with it. Sorry bout the under boobage but that's where it is! Also this chapter has some mature content in it so if ur uncomfy then don't read (-: 


The drive to Melody's house after school was done with was almost unbearable. It was short but Luke kept looking at her with such intensity that it made her lungs feel like they were going to combust. She would glance over at him when they were at a red light only to find a smirk playing on his incredibly gorgeous face. He had recently been growing out his facial hair and Melody was not complaining at all. She would make a noise of annoyance every time she would have to stop looking at him to drive, which only made Luke's infamous smirk grow larger. 

They both scrambled out of Melody's car the second she had parked. Her parents thankfully were not home. Melody wasted no time in quickly walking to her front door to unlock it. Luke was close behind and when he reached her, his lips were on her neck. Melody fumbled with the lock, which Luke quietly chuckled at against her skin. She pushed the front door open, and was soon pushed against it. 

Luke connected their lips, he had been waiting for this all day. Melody tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled slightly. A noise of pleasure rumbled deep in Luke's chest, and Melody smiled into their kiss. Luke moved forward so that his hips were now flush against Melody's, she pushed her hips forward slightly that created enough friction for Luke to hum in appreciation. 

He detached their lips now eager to get away from the door and preferably into Melody's room, he tugged on her hand to lead her down the hall. She followed behind him in silence, chewing on her now swollen bottom lip. Luke reached Melody's room, and turned to face her. He left kisses all over her face, making her giggle, while backing up until his knees met the edge of her bed. He sat, and gently pulled her onto his lap. Luke was looking at her again, in the way that made her blush and want to look away from him because it was so intense.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She asked, instead of hiding her face from him.

Luke smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, "You're beautiful, and I love you," he said, softly rubbing underneath her cheekbone with his thumb.

Melody kissed him with everything she had, because she never had someone say these things to her before. She knew he meant it, he was everything she could have ever wanted and more, and he was all hers. She pulled back just enough to whisper against his lips, "I love you, Luke."

Luke kissed her again, only for a few seconds and when he pulled away he caught her bottom lip between his teeth. "Baby, let me make you feel good."

Melody's cheeks flushed red at his words, she didn't trust her voice so she nodded in agreement. Luke wrapped his arms underneath her thighs to stand up and lay her on the bed, and he was kneeling on the ground.. He ran his hands up her bare legs until he reached the hem of her shorts. Melody's breathing was already uneven and he'd barely even touched her. His fingers made their way to the tôp of her shorts, and he paused looking at her to see if she wanted him to stop. She nodded him on, and he went back to work. Her shôrts were tugged off of her legs and Luke almost let a môan slip from his lips, but he held back. She was wearing black lace that hugged her hips, and as much as Luke loved the lace he wanted nothing more for it to be off of her.

He placed a kiss to the inside of her thîgh, she let out a breath she'd been holding. 

"Luke, please," she whined.

He trailed a few more kisses over her thîghs until he moved higher, and Melody audibly gasped. He slipped a fînger under the band of the làce to tease her, she squirmed under his touch, and Luke kept reminding himself to go slow. He loôped his fingers around the material and slowly dragged it down Melody's long legs. Melody waited for Luke's next move, this was the most intimate she had been with anyone. When Luke finally tôuched her she sighed, and involuntarily bucked her hîps to meet his hand. First came his fîngers, and then his tôngue followed and if she hadn't been gripping her bedsheets so tightly she could have been legitimately on cloud nine. She switched her grip from the sheets to Luke's hair, and feeling him môan against had her rolling her eyes back in pleasure.

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