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"COME ON JED, you can do better than this." Jaxon said, clenching his jaw at the boy who called himself the alpha. Jed pushed himself off the ground, his eyes glowing yellow as he launched himself at Jaxon.

Jed lifted his foot in attempt to kick Jaxon who effortlessly blocked it with a bored look on his face. "Is that it?"

Jed ignored him and tried to punch him but again, Jaxon blocked it, grabbing his wrist before twisting his hand behind his back, breaking his bones which resulted into a loud scream from Jed as Jaxon pushed him away, "you'll heal."

"Jax." Alaric's voice rang through his ears making Jaxon turn around and found the headmaster of their school making his way inside the basketball court, towards him. "You can't just go around and break students' bones. That's not how it works."

"We were training," Jaxon pointed out, running a hand through his damp black hair, "he asked for it."

"You've been training for twenty minutes now," Alaric said, leaning closer to take a sniff before pulling back, "and you still don't smell. Is that your superpower or something?"

"Maybe it is." Jaxon shrugged, "is there something you needed?"

"Yes, actually." Alaric nodded, pursing his lips together, "I need you to come with me to my office after taking a shower. I'll be waiting for you."

Nodding, Jaxon walked out of the place, heading straight to his room. He had his own room as Alaric thought that it would be unsafe for him to share it with someone else for he had serious anger management issues and would often snap.

After taking a shower, he slid on a black shirt and a pair of black jeans. He dried his hair a little before putting on his silver rings and a necklace which he'd always wear then he left his room and went to Alaric's office.

He didn't bother to knock, he pushed open the door and walked in. Jaxon narrowed his eyes on the familiar figure standing there, the boy had black hair, pale skin and looked like those emo boys. Hope was standing beside the boy.

"Jaxon, meet Landon Kirby." Alaric introduced once more, hoping it'd go better this time. "Landon, this is Jaxon Drake."

"He's still here?" Jaxon questioned, ignoring the Introduction.

"He's Hope's friend." Alaric replied, nodding in Hope's direction. Jaxon glanced at her then back to Landon who was staring at him.

"But he's not a supernatural, right?" Jaxon asked, frowning since he still wasn't feeling anything radiating off Landon. He could normally sense other supernatural creatures; Landon wasn't one.

Alaric shook his head at that, "no, no, he's not."

"Alright," Jaxon nodded before asking seriously, "want me to kill him?"

"What? No!" Landon was quick to say, looking at Alaric and Hope wide eyed, "what? Why would he—"

"No, Jaxon." Alaric cut Landon off, shaking his head at Jaxon, "we don't want you to kill him. We have another student, by the way. Landon's foster brother or something like that, his name is Rafael and he's a werewolf so it's up to you to train him and help him."

"So. . ." Landon cleared his throat, "you are a school for magic."

Alaric sighed, "we're a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory."

"I don't understand," Landon muttered, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"He means that," Jaxon leaned against the wall with an annoyed look on his face, "everyone here has something that makes them special in ways that the outside world wouldn't understand."

Landon looked at Jaxon with his brows raised, "so what are you?"

Jaxon scoffed, "that's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Okay," Landon pursed his lips in a thin line and looked at Hope. "Are you going to tell me or do I need to find this out too?"

Hope bit her lip, looking uncomfortable, "I should get to class—"

Landon immediately cut in, "no, no, sorry, I'm not trying to be a dick, but—" he looked at Alaric, "I don't know you," he then looked at Jaxon, "and you have done nothing but give me murdering looks ever since I came—" turning to Hope, he resumed, "and though the image of you whamying a Priest is still fresh, I need you here. Tell me what all that was in the church last night?"

"What do you think it was?" Hope raised her brows at the boy who spoke after a few seconds of silence, "well. . . as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real."

He looked at her and noticed that they were all silent which confirmed his words. "This is—" he paused, "— beyond insane. How is it even possible?"

"Long story involving an ancient vengeful witch and a bloodline curse," Alaric began, "we teach it in Origin of the Species, grade six."

"In sixth grade at my school we learned the state capitals," Landon said, stunned making Hope smile, "they teach that too." A small grin flashed across her face, lighting up her eyes. Landon stared at her and Jaxon noticed before clearing his throat, gaining the attention of the two.

"I've got question about that friend of yours." Jaxon stated making Landon raise his brows, "like what?"

"Who did he kill?" Jaxon asked bluntly, crossing his arms making Landon's eyes widened, "wait, what?"

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