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"I'M SERIOUS, JAX, PEEZ, something clicked while I was taking out those zombies. Uh, it felt right inside, like that was the real me." MG said making Jaxon and Penelope exchanged a look as she raised her brows, "meaning...?"

"I'm a superhero," MG stated making the two snort, Penelope having placed her elbow on Jaxon's shoulder as she laughed while the boy stared at MG in amusement. "Like from the comics," MG added, "cause heroes don't just get the girl, they get all the girls."

"Yeah, totally." Jaxon agreed, shaking his head as Penelope added, nodding, "Superman is such a slut." And then they began laughing again which however, faltered when Josie walked by, looking at MG and her brother, "thanks for tonight, MG, Jax."

"Accepted! Up, up and away." MG said, watching Josie's retreating figure. MG then walked away but Jaxon stayed behind. Penelope turned to Josie, "hey, what about me? I helped."

Josie turned to look at her, "you're the reason I got buried alive on my birthday. I took your advice. I wanted something and I went for it. I made the selfish move and I ended up fighting a zombie. There's room for people in this world that just cares about other people. Not everybody has to be a showboat!"

Jaxon internally sighed and rolled his eyes at Josie's words. She had no reason to blame Penelope for that— she was just being a bitch.

"You're right," Penelope said, dropping her hands which was resting on her hips to her sides. "This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. I happen to be the latter."

Jaxon, who was standing behind and listening in was not expecting Penelope's next move at all. She cupped Josie's face and kissed her. Jaxon's eyes widened a little but a smirk settled on his lips as he nodded to himself and walked away, leaving the two.

He made his way to where Hope was deciding to check on her. However, his steps haltered when he heard Rafael's voice coming from inside. Frowning, he decided to take a peak at what was going on.

Hope was dancing with Rafael, laughing and smiling at whatever he was saying. Jaxon stood there, bit his lip as he watched them. For the first time in his life, he felt as if someone was squeezing his heart in his chest as he looked at the two. He did not like it.

He didn't like it when Hope was with someone else— he realized. He did not want her to dance with Rafael, he didn't like any of that. He hated what he was feeling at that time— jealousy.

Without wasting any more time watching them, Jaxon turned around and walked away, leaving them there. He went to his room, angrily took off his suit and unbuttoned his shirt then he removed the rest of his clothes and stepped into the shower, needing to calm himself down.

As the cold water hit his body, he closed his eyes and hung his head low. He hated feeling like that— like normal teenagers. He was Hades's son for fuck's sake. He was better than that. He needed to be rid of his developing feelings for the tribrid before it was too late.

He didn't want to be another one of those lovesick teenagers. He didn't want to be that— no, he was better than that. Jaxon was not going to let feelings get the best of him. He couldn't do that because that would mean that he was weak.

"Fucking hell," he groaned, turning off the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out. He then wore a black shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants before walking out of his room, heading straight to where he could hear cries coming from.

He stopped in front of the twins' room and opened the door— not having the habit of knocking. Alaric, Jo, Lizzie and Josie looked at him. His eyes widened as he began to speak, "I— sorry— I thought something was wrong— I'll leave."

He was about to leave when Josette, the twins' mother stopped him, "no wait please, you can stay." Jaxon raised his brows at Alaric who nodded, motioning for him to step in which he did before closing the door behind.

"Is... Is everything alright?" He asked, noticing that all of them was crying. He felt like he disturbed their moment and instantly regretted coming here.

"I wanted to thank you," Jo said, standing up as she approached him while he stood there awkwardly. "Josie told me that you saved her tonight."

"You don't have to thank me." Jaxon looked at the twins who were smiling at him as he looked back at Jo, "I'd do anything for them." Jo smiled as did Alaric. Maybe Hades's son wasn't so bad after all. "Just don't tell anyone I said that."

Josette Laughlin stared at Jaxon with adoration and gratefulness, "thank you for being here for my girls. I— You know that when a supernatural die, they go to the other side."

"Yeah," Jaxon nodded, glancing at the others behind in confusion, why was she telling him that? "yeah I know."

"I remember watching you all like some sort of dream." Jo said to the others as she looked at Jaxon again, "I saw how you've been there for them and even for Ric."

"Yeah well I love him," Jaxon smirked at Alaric who smiled and laughed through his tears, "but he's a pain in the ass nonetheless." Alaric chuckled, shaking his head as he wiped his tears away.

"Your mother—never mind." Jo began but cut herself off when she noticed Jaxon's confused expression, "wait, no... go on."

"Is your mother's name Claire?" She asked to which Jaxon nodded instantly, "yeah— do you—" he swallowed the lump in his throat, "—is she there? Do you know her?"

Jo nodded, "yes. Yes, I did know her before the other side... was destroyed. I would speak to her sometimes. We'd watch you all together."

"She doesn't..." Jaxon trailed off, "she doesn't hate me, does she?"

"What? No, no," Jo shook her head, placing her hands on either side of his shoulders, "she doesn't hate you. She loves you more than anything. She's always tell me how much she regret and how much she's sorry for everything you had to go through. You know, Caroline saved both our children."

Jaxon was shocked when Jo wrapped her arms around him, hugging him as if he was her own. "She loves you so much. Don't even think for one second that she doesn't, okay?"

"Okay," Jaxon breathed out, nodding as he lowered his voice to a whisper so the others wouldn't be able to pick up on what he said, "tell her I'm sorry, please. I didn't mean to do it. I couldn't— I couldn't control it."

For the first time in five years, Jaxon felt like crying. And he would have but he pushed the tears away, ignoring the stinging sensation he felt.

"She knows that," Jo broke the hug, "she is proud of the person you've become." She turned to Alaric and her twins, "it's time."

"Time for what?" Jaxon asked, furrowing his brows at the others. Alaric took a deep breath, "she— she has to go. She doesn't... She can't be here."

"Oh," he muttered, nodding. "I'll leave you guys to it." He looked at Jo, "It was uh, nice to meet you." Josette flashed him a soft smile which he returned before leaving the room, heading straight to his own.

He felt like he was suffocating for the second time that day. But he was also happy. Happy that his mother didn't hate him for that he did. But the guilt was sill there.

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