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IT WAS LIZZIE'S AND JOSIE'S birthday. Jaxon made his way towards his sisters' room when he saw Penelope standing in front of their door holding two small cupcakes in her hands. He didn't pay attention to what she was saying knowing that she was probably going to say something bitchy and ruin the girls' birthday. However, he did catch up on the last words. "You know... Cause your mom's not coming."

"What?" Lizzie and Josie asked at the same time, not having expected that while Jaxon entered their room, making sure to roll his eyes at Penelope who smirked in response. "Oh, I heard them cancel her pickup at the office. I thought you knew. Oops."

Raising her hand, Lizzie slammed the door shut on Penelope's face before turning to her other two siblings.

"Oh well..." Jaxon muttered, "what were you guys talking about?"

"Our party," Lizzie responded, walking towards the door, "we need to talk to dad."

"Have fun doing that." Jaxon stayed still and raised his brows when the twin shot him similar looks, saying at the same time, "you're coming with us."

"What?" He frowned, "I'm not in the mood to see Ric's face so early in the morning. So, why do I have to come?"

"Because you're our brother and you need to support us mentally while we are arguing with our dad as to why our mom isn't coming." Lizzie replied dramatically, grabbing his wrist as she dragged him out of the door, the boy didn't bother to free himself knowing that Lizzie was stubborn as hell and he wasn't in the mood to deal with her. Josie followed closely behind as they neared Alaric's office.

Lizzie opened the door only to find it locked. She frowned as did the others as his office was never locked. "Uh, dad... why is your door locked?"

"God damn, Lizzie—" Jaxon shrugged her hand off him, "that's a big 'do not disturb' sign."

"Do you think he's..." Lizzie's eyes widened and a gasp left her lips, "dad would never— is he? Can't you like... Hear?" She raised her brows at Jaxon suggestively. The boy only rolled his eyes in response, "he isn't. I was just messing around."

"When were you going to tell us that mom wasn't coming back?" Josie asked Alaric, getting to the main topic.

"I was about to," Alaric replied from inside, "there—there is a strike in the airport at Mozambique."

The three exchanged a look as Lizzie asked, "she couldn't compel a pilot and hop on a private jet?"

"She'll explain everything later, okay?" Alaric responded, "but right now I just need you to go because I am wrapping your presents."

"He isn't alone in there." Jaxon whispered to the two girls, sensing a presence. "And he's lying."

Josie rolled her eyes at their father's words, "no, you're not. You're lying through your teeth!"

"Ugh." Alaric groaned, "I'm guessing Jaxon with you girls right now?"

"Yes." Lizzie replied, seething, "and we know you're not alone so we're coming in."

With a wave of his index and middle fingers, Jaxon opened the door making Alaric and Josette Laughlin turn their heads to the entrance, both their eyes widened in surprise.

"Who's this trollop?" Lizzie was the first one to ask while Jaxon narrowed his eyes.

"Oh my god," the woman breathed out, staring at the twins in amazement and shock as Alaric said to the three teenagers, "I need you to leave right now."

"I'm sorry," The black haired woman said, fingers going back and forth between Josie and Lizzie, "how old are you?"

"Sixteen," they replied at the same time as Lizzie added, "today, it's our birthday."

"You're twins." The woman concluded as Lizzie looked at Alaric, "what are we interrupting here?"

"I'm serious," Alaric spoke up, "do as I say and just go." He looked at Jaxon who was standing near a shelf, busy looking at a picture as he was holding a frame in his hands, "get them out of here."

"Nope." He responded, shaking his head as he handed the frame to Josie, ignoring Alaric who rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh as Jaxon said, "have fun dealing with that."

Josie grabbed the frame and stated at the picture in surprise, "Lizzie..." She breathed out making Lizzie look at her, "what?"

"It's her." She showed her twin the picture and Lizzie's eyes widen, looking at the woman, "holy crap. You're bio mom."

"This is impossible," Josette Laughlin stated, eyes going back and forth between the twins, "I wasn't even showing at our wedding. How—"

"—your family's crazy coven magically implanted them in Caroline when you died." Alaric cut her off and responded. "She's their birth mother."

"Caroline?" Josette asked, "so, you two..." She trailed off suggestively making Alaric shake his head, "no. She married Stefan Salvatore who basically died on their wedding day too... But that's a long story."

"They're still very close." Lizzie spoke up making Josette look at her while Jaxon was sitting on Alaric's desk, playing with and twirling the world globe repeatedly absentmindedly.

"We opened this school together." Alaric clarified as Lizie added, "she's overseas right now doing very important recruiting work. I'm Lizzie. After my mother's mom."

"And I'm Josie," Josie introduced herself, "Josette. Like..."

"Me." Josette finished to which Josie nodded. Jaxon sighed dramatically making everyone shift their attention to him, "and I'm Jaxon, named after... well I don't know. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise..." Josette smiled, turning to glancing at the others, "who's he?"

"Jaxon Drake—" Lizzie paused, "Forbes—" she again paused before adding, "Salvatore."

"Forbes Salvatore?" Josette's brows shot up confusedly, "I thought Vampires can't reproduce."

"They can't." Jaxon rolled his eyes at Lizzie, "I only go by the name Drake. I'm adopted."

"By Caroline?" Josette asked to which they all hummed in response as Lizzie decided to add, "he's Hades's son."

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