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EARLIER THAT MORNING, HOPE woke up telling Jaxon that Landon was in trouble. This was how the group of three— Jaxon, Alaric and Hope found themselves on their way to where Hope located Landon.

"Indiana," Alaric sang, "crossroads of America—" He looked at Jaxon and Hope, "—what's the capital?"

"We learnt that in like, eighth grade." Hope responded, looking in front of her while Jaxon focused on the road, humming at what Hope said. Like always, he stole Alaric's keys and made him sit in the backseat like a child which Alaric hated but said nothing.

"Oh good, then you should know it." Alaric leaned in the backseat comfortably. He glanced at Jaxon, "yes, Jax? The oh so smart. What is the answer?"

"We didn't say we absorbed the information," Jaxon said to which Alaric hum, "yeah well you're not saying much of anything. Look, if you two can't handle grade school geography, you're gonna flunk all your exams."

"Are Lizzie and Josie studying?" Hope asked, "maybe you should focus on them."

"Yeah I'm not the one getting C’s and D’s, Ric." Jaxon huffed, "I get straight A’s and yes, I’m bragging. On the other hand, Lizzie is failing, she sucks at everything. And Josie's trying to help her but she's interested in wooing guys more than studying."

"Yeah, well Lizzie and Josie are still in Europe with Caroline," Alaric responded, "thank god."

"Religion has no place in the classroom, Doctor Saltzman." Hope said, "the supreme court made sure of that with it's rulings on Engel v. Vitale."

"And Indianapolis is the capital of Indiana," Jaxon added as the two glanced at Alaric through the rearview mirror. Alaric rolled his eyes, "I don't like that you two are getting close."

"We're closer than it seems." Jaxon taunted, smirking at Hope who rolled her eyes at him as she glanced at her magical compass which turned to the left. She looked back at him, "take the next left, he's on the move."

"Alright," Jaxon said as Alaric asked, "Indiana is surrounded by what four states?"

"I thought we just established that I'm dominating geography?" Hope asked back. Alaric huffed, "Fine, let's move on to science."

"Wait, I have a question for you," Jaxon said making Alaric raise his brows, "shoot."

"How much does the earth weight?" Jaxon asked turning the steering wheel swiftly. Alaric snorted from behind, "I don't know but it's very heavy."

"Wow," Jaxon rolled his eyes while Hope laughed at Alaric's answer. The headmaster raised his brows, "what? What?"

"Technically the earth weight nothing," Jaxon responded earning a confused look from Alaric, "and why would you say that?"

"Because weight depends on the gravitational pull acting on an object and the Earth is floating in space." Jaxon replied smirking when a baffled look overtook Alaric's face. Wanting to tease him further, Jaxon added,  "damn, even Pedro knows that."

"Fuck off." Alaric rolled his eyes while Jaxon raised his brows, mimicking his voice, "language."

"We're here." Hope said, looking out of the window, "stop the car." Jaxon did as told and stopped it. They all got out and headed straight to the house a few feet away from them. They walked up the stairs and Alaric stopped in front of the door, peaking in while Hope spoke, "we should come in hot. There could be Jabberwocky on the other side of that door for all we know."

"Nonsensical poem written by?" Alaric asked, dismissing her words as Jaxon went to check through the windows. "Charles Dodgson."

"Wrong. Lewis—"

"—which is the pen name of Charles Dodgson," Jaxon cut Alaric off, walking back towards them after having checked around. "Looks like I'm crushing english too." Hope said as Jaxon ran a hand through his hair out of boredom, nodding to the house, "I don't think there's—"

He was cut off by the sound of a man screaming. He looked at Alaric and Hope who looked ready to intervene. "No, Hope don't. It's from a mov—"

He was cut off when Hope ignored him, "patere," she said as she made a waving motion with her hand, the door breaking down. Hope barged in the house, steps halting when she saw an old couple sitting and staring at her like they saw a ghost.

"The scream was from a movie," Jaxon whispered mockingly in her ear, "I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen."

Hope flashed the old couple an awkward smile, "hi... Uh—uh wh— what— what are you watching?"

Just then Alaric entered the place, the old woman looked at him. Alaric's eyes widened as he began stammering and talking loudly as he assumed that the couple wouldn't be able to hear him, "oh... I'm so sorry that we've ruined your lunch! I promise we are gonna replace your door." He turned to Hope, "that's some compass. We're in the wrong place!"

Jaxon walked towards Hope, grabbed her wrist and watched where the compass was pointing. He then bent down and picked up the mailbox before removing what Hope gave Landon.

"Someone knew we were coming."


I cant believe that Legacies has been cancelled :/ #savelegacies 

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