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"GIVEN RECENT EVENTS, SOME STUDENTS have express concern that I'm not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future," Alaric spoke to the crowd of students standing in front of him. "And I agree. If you are expected to abide by the school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So I am forming a honour council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf... each elected by their peers along with our school counselor, Emma whose vote will represent the younger students. Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."

As the students stood up from their seats to resume their day, Alaric grabbed his bag and began walking away.

Hope walked towards Jaxon who like always was sitting on the stairs, looking as bored as ever. He narrowed his eyes at her when she grabbed his arm and pulled him up, "come on, we gotta have a talk with Alaric."

"Why?" He raised his brows to which she replied, "Alaric's going to interrogate a monster without us. Let's go!"

"—what?" Jaxon groaned, "fuck yeah, definitely. Let's go." And with that, they made their way outside and found Alaric who just opened his car door. Hope held her palm forward, closing the door making Alaric look up at the two. He sighed as Hope asked, "are you kidding me?"

"Am I under assault today?" Alaric asked back, placing his bag on the ground.

"You get to interrogate a tree nymph and I have to run Landon's twenty three and me." Hope complained making Alaric sigh, "First of all, it's a dryad, not a nymph. Second of all, I need a witch to run the testing spells."

"Get Emma to do it." Hope cut in to which Alaric explained, "she can supervise, but she's busy managing the school in my, I'm sure, unbearable absence."

"Plus, if Landon can convince you that he belongs," Alaric chuckled, "he can convince anybody." Hope narrowed her eyes, "you're enjoying this."

Alaric nodded, "I am. I left you instructions in my office." He looked at Jaxon, "try not to kill him."

"Wait, wait, why can't I tag along?" Jaxon asked, "I don't have to babysit anyone."

"If I'm not allowed to come then neither is he." Hope was quick to say as Alaric opened his mouth. Alaric shot Jaxon a look as as if saying 'see.'

"—And you need to help with the whole Jed situation." Alaric spoke, having done nothing about the fact that Jed beat up Rafael knowing better than to get in between those wolves plus Jaxon told him that he'd deal with it.

"Fucking fine." He rolled his eyes, "I bet you'll come back, begging for our help in a few hours anyways." Hope hummed and nodded in agreement at his words. He always did. Alaric rolled his eyes, "whatever helps you two sleep. For now, goodbye."


Jaxon was in the gym, watching Jed fight with a few Werewolves of his pack as they trained. He was good— he had to give him that.

"All right, I got a medieval history paper due at two," Jed said, looking around, "who's on that?"

"I'll do it," Rafael approached them making Jaxon rolled his eyes, "but I need a favor."

Jed scoffed, "you've been in the pack for five minutes, and you want a favor from your alpha?" Rafael sighed, "you're obviously gonna be elected to the honor council. If it comes down to it, will you do what you can to keep Landon in?"

"That's a great idea, foster kid," Jed said sarcastically, "I'll bring that up at the first meeting. So I can make sure your boy gets the boot."

"Why? I joined the pack." Rafael was getting irritated, "yo, I'm following all the stupid rules that—"

"Well, consider that punishment... for not respecting my authority when you got here," Jed said, "The rule is this, what the alpha says goes. And I say Landon goes."

Rafael looked at Jaxon once Jed walked away. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards Jaxon who stayed still and watched as Rafael stood in front of him, "hey."

"What?" Jaxon asked making Rafael sighed, "why not? Landon's my friend... And you can beat Jed to take over his alpha position..."

"I can do that." Jaxon stood up from the bleaches, "I don't have to take over his alpha position. I'm already the fucking alpha, idiot. He's like my little puppet. His wolves do what I tell them to just like he does."

"So you're the one they're going to elect to represent the werewolves?" Rafael asked to which he shook his head, "no, nah." he shook his head, "I'm already part of the damn council so They're going to elect Jed." Jaxon sighed, "if you want Landon to stay and have a say in the matter... Beat Jed, take his place... Become the alpha, why don't you? You're qualified for it."

"You think I'm gonna be able to beat him?" Rafael asked, surprised that Jaxon would think that. He nodded, "of course. You're strong, I can feel it radiating off you."

"Can you..." Rafael trailed off, scratching the back of his neck, "would you train me? Just a little bit so I can be sure and know—"

"—meet me in the back of the school in thirty minutes." He cut him off, Rafael shooting him a thankful nod. "Why are you helping me? Don't you want Landon to go?"

"Yeah but well I kinda don't want Jed to be the alpha anymore." Jaxon responded, "he's being a dick and his ego is way too huge." Then he walked away.

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