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AFTER HOPE GOT SOMETHING that belonged to Dana from those girls, she returned to the boys. Then, they saw a girl wearing a scarf around her neck and they followed her since scarfs were not common in Virginia.

They went outside and found Kaleb about to bite into the girl's neck. Hope was quick to react, "let her go."

Kaleb stopped right in his tracks, rolling his eyes at he noticed the three before turning the girl, "date's over. It's not me, it's you. Now forget this ever happened and get back to class." The girl walked away, compelled.

Just then, Lizzie and MG made their way towards them, "great," Lizzie sighed, "Hope's already here."

Kaleb looked at MG, feeling betrayed, "thought we were cool bruh."

"Don't 'bruh' him," Lizzie said, "second place or not, we know you killed Dana."

"Wait, Dana's dead?" Hope asked, furrowing her brows at Lizzie who nodded as MG spoke, "doctor Saltzman said that they found her dead from a vampire bite."

Kaleb scoffed, "I didn't kill her so y'all need to get the hell outta my face." In one swift move, he vamp sped away. However, before he could get past Jaxon, he was quick to grab him by the back of his neck, throwing him on the ground as if he weighted nothing.

Kaleb groaned as his body hit the wall behind him. He quickly stood up while Lizzie held her hand forward making him clutch to his head, groaning in pain. "Come on guys," Lizzie spoke, "let's go. It's hero time."

Hope looked at Jaxon, "to the blonde mobile." He snorted, following the tribrid, "Didn't peg you as the type who'd watch Batman."

"I didn't peg you as the BDSM type," Hope shot back making him grin, "I'm not. But I'd go fifty shades of grey on you anytime, sweetheart." He smirked when he noticed Hope's cheeks flush. "We have serious matters to deal with."

"Fifty shades—" Landon's eyes widened in absolute horror as he heard their conversation. Jaxon shot him a smirk.

"I told you," Kaleb said, "all I did was feed. Torture me all you want to, my answer's gonna remain the same... because I didn't kill Dana."

"He's right." Landon spoke making Lizzie turn to him, her brows raised, "what, so you're a mind reader now, Landon?"

Landon sighed, "call it a hunch."

"We need better than a hunch," Jaxon rolled his eyes. Just then, Jaxon's ears caught grunts and heavy breaths. He wasn't the only one who heard it considering they all looked behind Kaleb who also turned around and were all surprised to see. Dana there, barely able to walk and covered in blood.

"I thought you said she was dead?" Jaxon looked at Lizzie who frowned in confusion, "she's supposed to! Dad told me that he and the sheriff found her body."

"Well then is she in fucking transition?" Jaxon raised his brows at the others, taking in her scent, "yep," he responded to his own question with a nod, "she smells dead."

"Great," Lizzie whispered, not liking the fact that Dana was about to become a supernatural as well— which meant that if that was to happen, she'd start going to the Salvatore school which sucked. "Let's kill her. She's not gonna survive the transition."

"Yeah, I don't like her," Jaxon looked at Lizzie, the two sharing a look, "let's do it. They think she's dead anyway."

"Nobody's killing anyone." Hope rolled her eyes, "let's see what she has to say. We need to know who did this to her."

"Yeah then we can kill her." Jaxon said earning a nod from Lizzie while Hope sighed, "no."

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