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"Like I said, the only loopholes are you and her," Hades responded, "I'm not going to let you throw yourself in that damn pit and sacrifice yourself. So it's up to her."

"You're being a real dick right now," Jaxon stated, rolling his eyes, "everybody's going to forget her if she goes in there— including Ric and her friends and Lizzie and Jo—"

"—Do I have a face that's showing you that I care?" He interjected, "because I don't. If she goes in there, people are going to forget about her. But if you go in there, you're going to disappear— fade, as you put it. Nobody's going to remember you, not even her. It's going to be like you never existed."

"I'm gonna need a better explanation."

With a loud sigh, Hades began explaining, "since I created Malivore and you're my blood— if you go in direct contact with Malivore, you'll most likely absorb all the strength and powers of every single supernatural he's got trapped inside. That amount of power—of strength is going to be too much for you— too much for you to contain on Earth, within the mortals. You'll be a potential threat and besides your body won't be able to withstand that much power. But you can't die, can you?" He raised his brows at his son who shook his head, "no, I can't."

"Then you're going to fade away from earth—from the real world to somewhere else. A place where you can do whatever you want, where you won't be a threat with all those powers inside of you. A place where there are no mortals— a place where everyone's already dead."

"The underworld," the word left his mouth on his own.

Hades hummed, nodding, "yes, you'll be here, Jaxon," he motioned around him, "stuck in the underworld for the rest of your immortal life with me. You will never be able to return back to earth, to see your so called friends. Do you want that, son? Do you want to spend your whole life here?"

It was well known that Hades didn't like to be King of the underworld but it was his duty. To spend his whole life in such a place was not something he wanted for his son.

"It's going to be like you never existed. There's not going to be anything to help anyone remember you and even if somehow— which is impossible— they do, they'll never be able to see you again. I have to spend my whole life here and it's not exactly something I want for you. You're young, you have a life. I want you to live it."

"Then why won't you let me remember Hope?" Jaxon asked with a roll of his eyes, "I want to live my life with her and you are going to take that from me."

"I'm not going to take anything from you," Hades said, shaking his head, "on the other hand, you not remembering her means you actually living. You're not living with that girl, she's only causing you pain and trouble. She's problematic."

"No she's not. You're not going to make me forget her or any shit," Jaxon demanded, "or I will literally jump in that damn pit and I don't mind spending eternity with you, you know? I'll get to annoy the crap out of you every single second."

"You're going to ruin your whole life just so you don't forget that girl?" Hades raised his brows, "she's literally going to forget you if you do that."

"I don't care," he shrugged, "I don't wanna forget her. So, either you don't mess with my memories or I jump. And I'm going to need your word for it."


"Fine, what?" Jaxon urged, raising his brows with a small smirk tugging at his lips. Hades rolled his eyes, "fine, I shall not mess with your memories. I will allow you to remember your little lover. In turn, you should promise me that you will not jump, no matter what."


"Fine, what?"  Hades mimicked resulting in Jaxon rolling his eyes in turn, "Fine, I shall not jump in the pit you created that is causing so many problems."

"You didn't have to say the last part," The king of the underworld grumbled, "now it's time for you to go. You've been here too long already.," Hades waved his fingers in front of a tall rock which was standing beside Jaxon, "look, your girlfriend is missing you so much so that she's talking to your hologram. Isn't she just the craziest?"

Jaxon turned to look at the rock which was displaying Hope near the docks speaking to him but it wasn't actually him, rather it was a magical hologram. "Is that how you stalk us?"

"Maybe. It's like my very own TV." He replied with a smirk, "entertaining, wouldn't you say?" 

"Whatever, I'm out."

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