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JAXON ENTERED THE SALVATORE SCHOOL, letting out a loud annoyed sigh the second he was inside. He knew that Ryan would not hurt Landon because if he wanted to, he would have done that a long time ago.

"You're still here," Jaxon said when he saw Roman sitting on one of the couches. Roman stood up at the sound of his voice, "uh.. yeah."

"So what, you're going to school now?" Jaxon asked, raising his brows, "aren't you too old for—" he cut himself off when he heard something.

Jaxon followed the sound of the voice and he reached near the stairs where Rafael was standing in front of another boy who replied to his earlier question, "I said, watch it...wolf." The two were standing Extremely close to each other and Rafael's eyes glowed yellow as he began growling slowly.

Veins began appearing under the vampire boy's eyes and just then, all his vampire friends vamp sped towards them, ready to attack.

Alaric rushed towards them, "hey, hey, hey—" he was cut off when Rafael pushed him away. "Get off me!" Alaric was sent crashing to a chair. And then the wolves began going to Rafael, trying to get him away.  Jed turned to Rafael, "Hey! Hey, wolves. Stand down!" He placed a hand on Rafael's shoulders and pushed him away, "now!"

But none of them were listening. Roman then nudged Jaxon, "why aren't you doing anything?"

"I was looking at Rafael's reactions," Jaxon muttered with a sigh, "he needs help."

"Well those vampires and wolves are going to kill themselves. While you're here analysing the kid, I'll go deal with—" Roman was unable to finish his sentence, he stopped talking when he saw Jaxon walking towards the group.

"Alright, that's enough!" He said in a loud autorative voice as he rushed in the middle of the two groups, "break it, all of you. Now." The vampire tried to punch Rafael nonetheless but with Jaxon was quick to react. He only had to look at the vampire for his neck to be snapped. As soon as he fell on the ground, the other vampires vamp sped away just like the werewolves went their own ways.

Rafael turned to Alaric who was groaning on the ground, "Dr Saltzman, I'm sorry."

"You should be," Jaxon mumbled under his breath as he helped Alaric up just as Emma made their way towards them. She and Alaric exchanged a look which made Jaxon furrow his brows.

"I didn't mean to." Rafael said sincerely resulting in a loud sigh from the demigod, "I want to see Hope. Where's she?"


After Jaxon was told where Hope was, he went exactly there and saw her sitting on a bench talking to... Himself. He decided to stay hidden and listen before revealing himself.

"This is still weird," Hope said to the magical hologram, "talking to you as if you were really here when you're just my... subconscious. You know, I'm scared that one day you'll leave."

"I'll never leave," Jaxon 2.0 replied, "you know that. And I know that you know that because I am you, aren't I?"

She let out a chuckle at that, "but the fear is still there. What if you change your mind? What if you realise that I'm not good enough?"

"I— he thinks you're perfect."


"Yeah. He'd probably kiss you if he was here right now."

"Yeah, probably," she smiled softly before taking a deep breath, "how would you— he feel if I tell him that I love him for than anything?" Hope asked making Jaxon's eyes widened at her question.

"I am your subconscious," Jaxon 2.0 responded calmly, "not real Jaxon. I can't answer such question—" Jaxon 2.0 disappeared in thin air by a wave of the actual Jaxon's index finger. "There's one way to find out."

Hope abruptly stood up and turned around at the sound of his voice. Her eyes widened and blood rushed to his cheeks, "Jax— you're here. Uh.. How long have you been standing there exactly?"

"Long enough to know about your undying love for me," He teased as he slowly made his way towards her while she just stood there. "It was just a... random meaningless question."

He was now standing just in front of her. He ran his finger down the side of her face as he stared at her, "just a random meaningless question, hmm?"

"Yes," she breathed out, clearing her throat as she snapped out of the trance she was in, "where did you go?"

"I went to see my dad," He responded, "let's not change the subject, yeah? So you were saying something about loving me."

"You're never letting this go, are you?" She questioned earning a shake of his head, "not really."

"Does it really matter?" She asked, "you don't really feel anything about me anyway, do you? It doesn't matter if I love you or not. You're never going to reciprocate those feelings. You—"

"How do you know that I won't? I don't?" He cut her off and asked, "you've never asked me. You just went on and assume things."

"Do you, then?" She asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes, "do you love me?"

"I'm pretty fucking sure I'm in love with you, Hope Mikaelson." 

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