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BEFORE HOPE COULD REGISTER WHAT was happening, Jaxon had both of her hands in one of his in a tight grip above her head, and he was pinning her to the wall using his hips while his other hand grabbed her hair and yanked down, bringing her face up, and his lips were on hers.

Hope moaned into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He took full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring her mouth and her tongue tentatively stroked his and joined his in a slow, erotic dance that was all about touch and sensation, all bump and grind. He brought his hand up to grasp her chin and held her in place.

For the first time in her life, Hope Mikaelson was helpless— and she didn't want to do anything about it. Her hand were pinned, her face held, and his hips restraining her with his erection is against her heat as although he had removed his hand from the back of her knee, she didn't put her leg back down and kept pressing into him, desperate for the feeling. It was all new to her and she loved it.

He broke the kiss and began kissing down her jaw to her neck, his tongue trailing on her soft skin, lips bitting softly making her grip his shoulders as she moaned lowly. "Hope," he mumbled, his teeth grazing her skin and Hope's heart fluttered as that was probably the first time he was calling her by her name. "Fucking hell... Tell me when to stop, yeah?"

"I don't want you to stop," she said breathlessly. Jaxon hummed in response, going back to kissing her neck, biting into it. "I hate that I can't give you one proper hickey without it fucking healing."

"I can fix th—oh my god." Her eyes fluttered shut when he pressed into her and bit a spot on her neck—her sweet spot. He found it and smirked against her skin before swirling his tongue around it, "then do it. I want you to be able to see what I did to you."

"Okay," she muttered and casted a spell on herself, to slow down her werewolf healing on where Jaxon was assaulting her neck. When he pulled away, he glanced at her neck which was all red and covered in bites. He then looked at Hope whose eyes were fluttered shut as he took in a deep breath, the smell of her arousal filling his nostrils making his eyes become darker with lust.

He has never felt like this before— this need and want that he was feeling towards Hope. The tribrid, a girl who always held her head up high as she walked in the hallways of the school was now literally at his mercy. He liked that.

He then crashed his lips into hers again and she opened her mouth, allowing him to slid his tongue inside. He kissed her as if he wanted to consume her, devour her alive. Fierce kisses, hard kisses, desperate, wanting kisses. He tasted like wine and smelled like sin.

"Jaxon..." She pulled away. "I can't—I can't breathe."

"Neither can I." He wrapped his arms around her and drew her in for another hungry kiss. hot, hard, and wet. His tongue worked past her lips to plunge into her mouth.

Her hands moved to his chest, sliding over his pecs and the ripple of abs beneath his shirt, his body hard from his fight training, muscles thick from use. He hissed out a breath when her fingers grazed the top of his belt.

"What are we doing?" he murmured as he drew her earlobe into his mouth. "I don't know, but don't stop."

"No way in hell." He shifted against her, his arousal as evident from his ragged breaths as the growing hardness pressed against her hips. "Fuck, I can smell your arousal. You're so dripping right now." Then his hands were around her waist as he lifted her up. The muscles in his arms flexed as he held her.

Hope said nothing as she began kissing his jaw down his neck, licking and sucking making him inhale sharply as she felt the softness of her lips and tongue against his skin. He then lowered her on the bed, hovering over her as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers again.

"You're a virgin, right?" He asked, looking at her as she nodded her head in confirmation, cheeks red in embarrassment making him chuckle. "That's okay," he whispered, looking in her eyes as he carressed cheek softly, "let's do something else today." Hope only nodded in response as he rolled off her and pulled her on him so she was straddling him.

Her eyes widened, "what are you—" she was cut off when he kissed her again, his hand slid underneath her shirt and his fingers grazing her skin making her shiver. "Is this okay?" He asked receiving a nod from her. He hummed in approval when she tangled her fingers in her hair while her other hand held the side of his neck.

He almost moaned when she moved, grinding against him. Hope stopped her movements instantly.

"Move." He mumbled making her eyes widened. "W–What?"

As Hope was wearing a skirt, he could feel her heat through her panties. "I want you to move," he repeated, hands going to her hips as he positioned her so she was right on top of his erection. Hope let out a gasp when she felt it pressing against her core although they were both fully clothed.

And so she did. She began moving slowly, both her hands grabbing the sides of his neck as she let out a moan at the pleasure she was feeling.

"Oh fuck." Hope breathed out when she felt him at a particular spot and rolled her hips in circular motion to feel it all over again. Her grip tightened around him while he buried his face in the crook of her neck, letting out a groan when she kept moving against him. "Keep going," he mumbled, trailing the tip of his tongue down her neck to her collarbone.

"This feels so..." Hope cut herself off when a moan when his hand slid underneath her shirt again and when he slightly lifted his hips, "... good."

His hand which was underneath her shirt slowly went higher and higher until they reached her bra. Hope didn't say anything and only bit her lip and let out a moan when he slid his hand inside and grabbed her right breast in his hand, his thumb grazing at her nipple making her eyes roll to the back of her head.

She has never been touched intimately before nor has she done anything of that sort so the pleasure was intense. "Fuck, Jaxon." She breathed out, rolling her hips around him, desperate to feel more.

"Are you close?" He asked to which she hummed, nodding her head as she continued riding him, fully clothed. Hope allowed her head to fall in the crook of his neck when he twirled her nipple around his fingers, his other hand going to her waist. "You're doing so good, love." He groaned when she continued to move, "so fucking good."

"I think I'm about to come." She breathed out, her hot breath hitting his neck as she spoke. Jaxon said nothing as he pinched her nipple while his other hand went to grab her other breast and fingers started toying with the sensitive bud.

"Do it," he whispered in her ears, biting her earlobe, "come for me." And she did. With a loud moan, she came in her underwear, her body falling slump as she breathed heavily while upon feeling her heat, Jaxon removed his hands from under her shirt and grabbed her hips, rocking her against him so he could reach his high as well. Hope only moaned in response as she felt her now sensitive core brushing against his hard on.

Jaxon let out a groan in contentment when he also came, both breathing heavily and none of them parted away from each other. He captured her lips with his in a passionate kiss, pulling away after a few seconds as she smiled, "that was fun."

"I'm sure." He smirked, "stay for the night?" She nodded and leaned in before pecking him on the lips.


That was... Something. Well anywaysss I didn't write that and you didn't read that, okay? Good <3

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