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HOPE, JAXON AND DORIAN WENT TO where the talent show was taking place.

"We need a way to de-slug whosever infected, fast." Dorian said as Hope looked at him, "okay so, Jaxon shocked me and that's how the slug popped out."

"So we just have to find a way to electrocute every student in the school," Jaxon spoke up to which Hope added, "without killing them."

"If we don't, they're dead anyway." Jaxon interjected while Dorian sighed, "I'm gonna call Ric." He then walked away leaving the two there.

Just then, Landon stood up and made his way towards them, "hey, where have you two been?"

"Is he infected?" Hope whispered to Jaxon who shook his head while Landon frown in confusion, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Jaxon motioned for him to come beside them, "just stay beside us. There's something wrong with some people around here."

Before Landon could ask anything, Rafael was seen on the stage. He faced everyone and began speaking, "My name is Rafael, and my talent is spoken word poetry."

"Oh, no," Landon sighed, "he promised he wouldn't do this again."

"Why, because he sucks at it?"

"N—" Landon was cut off by Rafael who began speaking, "Stillness. A light breaks inside. Unity. And division. Tension."

"Suddenly, I remember why I didn't want to be in the talent show," Hope whispered to Jaxon who hummed in response.

All these wolves staring at me, waiting for the answer. Expectation is a cancer. Oh, you can't, sir? Then who will?"

Jaxon snorted before he quickly covered it with a cough while Hope bit her lip in amusement.

After a moment of silence, Rafael resumed, "two brothers brought up together. Then one's left behind because he's no longer needed. Violence inside of me. Inside, I'm, I'm bleeding."

"What's he talking about?" Hope asked as Rafael continued, looking at Hope from the stage, "and I can't believe what I'm feeling, since the moment you danced with me. Buried so deep, rising up, enchanting me. And it won't go away," he then looked at Jaxon, "and I was always jealous of everything that you have but I've never wanted this more."

"Yeah, he's infected," Jaxon huffed, clearly knowing what Rafael was talking about, "he is totally talking shit right now." He glanced at Hope who had her brows furrowed.

"And why is that artifact here?" Rafael asked, "Monsters coming, people running. Ask for answers, always nothing." Students began standing up from their seats and Rafael's eyes glowed green just like the other students before he pointed to Hope making everyone else look at her, "I say we get rid of it."

"So they're all infected?" Landon questioned to which Hope and Jaxon nodded as they began running away,  "Okay, yeah, I'm not gonna wait around to find out."

Students were shouting as they ran after the three, eager to get their hands on Hope so they could know where the artefact is. As soon as Jaxon, Hope and Landon ran out of the room, Hope turned to face the door before using a spell to lock it.

"That should hold the pod people in for now," she looked at the two boys, "let's go."

"I sealed the doors with a spell, but it won't hold forever." Hope said as she ran up to Dorian who nodded, holding up chains, "all right. These chains should help until we come up with a better solution," he handed them to Jaxon, "I'll get the doors downstairs." Then he went away.

"At least we have all the infected people in one place," Hope said just as they heard a voice from behind them.

"What are you three doing out here?" Lizzie asked, standing feet away from them.

Hope wasted no time in rushing towards Lizzie before throwing the chains around her, chaining her with Lizzie was confused as ever. Landon helped Hope but However, Jaxon stood there and watched in amusement as they dragged Lizzie to a room.

"Have you guys gone crazy?" Lizzie asked as they pushed her on a chair.

"You've been infected with a mind-controlling parasite," Hope explained, "That's why you've been so nice all day."

"That is not why I have been..." She cut herself off when Jaxon lit the torch on her face for the sole purpose of annoying her although he knew that Lizzie was not infected. "Hey!"

"I don't see any slug trails," Jaxon said, playing his game.

"What are you freaks talking a... ow—" Lizzie was cut off when she was zapped by her bracelet.

"What was that?"

"Unchain me, and maybe I will tell you, you thrift store hobbit." Lizzie let out a gasp. 

"I don't think she's infected," Landon said making Hope look at Jaxon questioningly. "Okay, fine. Yeah she's not infected." Rolling her eyes, Hope looked at Lizzie, "so why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird," Lizzie denied, "I am turning over a new leaf. With this..." She showed them her bracelet, "I spelled it to zap me whenever I said anything mean. And in increasing voltage. Worst idea ever."

"No. That's genius," Landon said as he bent down to unchain her, "that's why there's no slug in her. She's been zapping herself."

"Then why are you wandering around here, instead of at the talent show like everyone else?"

"I was looking for Josie," Lizzie responded, "she's been acting weird all day and then she just bailed on the performance. Probably because she's infected."

"We need to find her, now."


what do y'all want? Klaus Mikaelson X Female OC TVD Fanfic first or Caroline Forbes X Male OC first? But you’ll get both, just which one you wanna read first? I need to know.

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