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BEFORE HOPE AND JAXON COULD go any further, they both heard Alaric's voice in the mic, signalling assembly.

"Seriously?" Jaxon mumbled, pulling away from Hope who frowned, huffing as well. "Well looks like we gotta go," she brushed her lips against his, "so, to be continued."

"You're killing me," he groaned, running a hand through his hair as he fixed his pants, "let's go." Hope fixed her own hair as they both left his room and went downstairs to the main hall where Alaric was standing facing everyone with Lizzie beside him.

Hope grabbed Jaxon's hand and dragged him with her towards the chairs before sitting down and gesturing for him to sit down as well. He glanced at the stairs where he'd usually stand before sighing and finally sitting down next to Hope.

On seeing Hope and Jaxon present, he cleared his throat and began talking, "I have some news. Many of you, like me, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant."

Jaxon groaned, rolling his eyes and he said to Hope, "I thought that everyone has forgotten about that. I was hoping they did."

Other students began groaning and muttering in discontentment making Alaric sigh, "trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key. Now... with your chore assignments."

Alaric allowed Lizzie to take the stand,"Okay, so we'll split into teams."

"That's my cue to leav—" Jaxon stood up only to be pulled back down by Hope, "— If I'm doing this, so are you."


"Did you put Landon and Hope together just to annoy me, dear sister?" Jaxon asked Lizzie as they walked side by side in the hallway.

Lizzie shrugged, smirking, "revenge for seeing what I saw so early in the morning. Do you realise that I had trouble to eat breakfast?"

He threw an arm around her shoulders, "well, you know I've seen Rafael on top of you. I haven't eaten anything ever since."

"So you're telling me that you haven't been eating anything for the past few weeks?" She raised her brows, "yeah right. I totally believe you. Why don't you go see what your girlfriend is up to instead of annoying me here?"

"I'll tell my dad to reserve a room specifically for you at home," Jaxon said as rolled his eyes at his sister making her gasp before flipping him off, "screw you." And then she walked away while he stood there, smirking to himself. He enjoyed pissing Lizzie off.

Turning back on his feet, he made his way to where he knew Hope was. He saw her standing beside Landon and talking to some random guy. "Dr. Saltzman's been a little overwhelmed, so, uh, I've been doing a little... recruiting recon for him lately—" he paused when Jaxon made his way over to them, standing beside Hope, "—But he asked me to come in today and lend a hand."

"Oh, uh, this is Jaxon," Hope introduced, smiling at Jaxon who narrowed his eyes at Roman.

"Her boyfriend," Jaxon added with a smirk, "Roman, is it?"

"Yeah, I'm a vampire," Roman nodded, "What are you?"

"Hades's son, a demigod and a werewolf," when Roman's eyes widened, Jaxon's smirk widened even more, "you've heard of me."

"Who hasn't?" Roman questioned back, "it's— uh... nice to meet you."

"And I'm Landon," he introduced himself, "a Phoenix. By the way, which is... so cool."

"I better go find Dr. Saltzman," Roman said, his eyes lingering on Hope for a while before he finally looked away when he felt Jaxon's cold gaze on him. Glancing at the demigod, he walked out of the place.

Jaxon turned to Landon, shooting him a fake smile which said that he wanted him gone, "off you go."

"I'm gonna go hide more rats," Landon said, clearing his throat before walking away.

"That was—" Hope was cut off by Jaxon who asked, "is that the something-year-old dead ex of yours who somehow got your mom killed?"

Hope nodded, "it is. Though I don't hold him responsible for what happened anymore."

"Well you should," Jaxon ushered, "just say the word and he's dead— for good this time."

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm going to have to reject that offer." Hope said, sighing, "what's done is done. It was all in the past. Let's just... concentrate on the whole mystic falls thing."

"He was your ex boyfriend right?"

"Yes," she pursed her lips in a thin line, nodding. He raised his brows, "And yet I was your first kiss?"

"Yes," she nodded again, "I just never... Felt like kissing him, I guess. Besides, we didn't even date for that long."

"I see," he glanced at the doorway, "I'll be right back."

"Jax," she stopped him, "you're not going to do anything stupid, are you?"

"Define 'stupid."

"Like threatening or killing Roman," she said, rolling her eyes, "Don't even deny it, I know you."

"Fine, if you insist that the old dude lives then live, he shall." He said sarcastically, "I'm going to go see what Penelope's up to. Don't miss me too much."

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