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“I’M BACK, BIT— NEVER MIND," were the first words that left Jaxon's mouth as he made his way inside the Salvatore school.

His eyes narrowed on Hope who just happened to be walking down the stairs. Upon seeing him, her eyes brightened and a large smile spreaded across her face. He just stood there and watched as she walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, ignoring everyone who were staring, "hey, handsome. I've missed you."

"Missed you too although it's been only like two days." Jaxon said with an amused smile.

"Let's go make up for the lost time," she whispered in his ear, placing a kiss just above his jaw, "what do you say?"

"I—" without giving him the chance to say anything, she grabbed his wrist and began dragging him with her. Jaxon followed with his eyes narrowed in confusion.

'What's going on with her?' he mouthed to Landon who was sitting on the couch with Rafael. Landon shrugged in response but couldn't stop a smile from forming.

He has convinced himself to drop his feelings for Hope as he knew that both Jaxon and Hope were better off together. He knew that there was never going to be a chance for him and Hope as long as Jaxon was there and the fact that Jaxon was literally immortal didn't help his case.

Jaxon allowed Hope to drag him to her room. As soon as they were in, she closed the door and not giving him time, she kissed him.

Jaxon kissed her back for a while before he pulled away. Ignoring the frown that settled on her face, he spoke,  "as much as I’m liking this... warm welcome back— or whatever this is, we can't right now. I'm going to see Lizzie and Josie because I haven't seen them in days."

"They're fine." Hope waved him off, "we have class anyway. Hey, you know today is that talent show thingy? Do you want to, maybe, participate?"

"You've never participated before." He furrowed his brows in confusion, "why the sudden change?"

"I didn't use to participate because I had no partner or anything." She brushed a stand of his hair away from his forehead, "but now I have you so..."

"I don't know..." Jaxon trailed off, "participating in stuff like that aren't really my thing. But, I'll think about it." Pressing a quick kiss to her lips, he walked out of the room and she followed.

As he walked towards the main hall with Hope beside him, he saw Lizzie and Josie standing in front of Rafael and Landon who were still seated where they previously were.

"Rafael," Lizzie smiled at the werewolf who said, "hi. How was— uh, how was your trip?"

"Excellent." Lizzie responded, noticing Jaxon who walked towards them which made her add while smirking at him, "because Jaxon wasn't there, of course."

"I just returned from Europe, myself, dear sister," he shot her a grin, "and allow me to tell you that Caroline herself said that she enjoyed my company more than that of yours."

Lizzie huffed, "she lied to you so that your little heart won't break— oh wait, I forgot that you don't have one."

"Stop it, both of you." Josie rolled her eyes, making her way towards Jaxon before hugging him, "it's good to see you again, Jax."

Jaxon looked at Lizzie then pointed to Josie, "see? Learn from her."

"I'd rather die than hug you." Lizzie crossed her arms, enjoying their current ‘talk’.

"Then die, bitch." Jaxon said as Josie pulled away from the hug. "Don't be mean."

"Come on, admit it," Jaxon approached her, "you missed me."

"I didn't."

"So you didn't send me this," Taking out his phone, Jaxon began reading the text Lizzie sent him days earlier, "I’m having a lot of fun with mom and Jo. Wish you were here, kisses, kisses... And kisses."

"I was... drunk." Lizzie defended, lying poorly.

"Caroline would never let you drink on her watch," Jaxon retorted, "now we both know you missed me. So bring it in, sister."

"Ugh, fine." Lizzie hugged him, "since you're insisting so much."

Parting away from Lizzie, Jaxon asked, "Have you guys noticed who's back? The one and only Landon Ky— ka—" Jaxon looked at Landon, "—yeah, I forgot your last name. What was it again?"

"Kirby," Landon responded.

"Yeah, that."

"Welcome back, Landon." Josie said to Landon who scoffed, "you voted me out."

"That's all in the past," Lizzie said, "now is everyone as excited as I am about tonight?"

"What's happening tonight?" Landon questioned, furrowing his brows in confusion and curiosity.

"The school's annual talent show," Hope laced her hand around Jaxon's arm earning questioning looks from both Lizzie and Josie. "All the factions complete." She added, looking at the twins, "you know, the witch performance wouldn't be the same without you two."

They smiled while Josie said, "thank you." Just then, Alaric spoke up in the mic from his office, "last night we were able to capture a monster here on the grounds. We have everything under control. But given this potential danger, it is with a heavy heart that I must postpone the talent show."

Groans began filling the room making Alaric add, "hopefully, we'll be able to reschedule this... unique event... at a later date. A much, much later date."

Hope clicked her tongue against her teeth, "kind of a kill f you ask me. I told your dad that a unicorn barely counts as a monster."

"A what now?"

"A unicorn," Hope repeated, answering Jaxon's question. He huffed, "there's a unicorn at the school? Does that shit even exist? why don't I know about this? I need to see it."

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