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JAXON RETURNED TO THE school and was walking towards his room when he heard someone taking deep shaky breaths, their heart beating heavily. Furrowing his brows, he followed the sound and halted in his steps when he saw Hope standing in front of a room, seeming in a bad condition.

"Hope?" His voice made her look up, "J—Jax."

Jaxon walked up to her, noticing the worry in her tone. He frowned, placing a hand on the side of her face, "hey, what's wrong?" He could feel it radiating off her— the concern and dear for someone. "Something's happened," he stated earning a nod from her, "what?"

"It's a full moon and Landon— he's—" she cut herself off, shaking her head as tears welled up in her eyes, "—he's nowhere to be found. We found Raf in the forest— he shifted and he can't remember what happened," her voice began shaking as she resumed, "m–my  lo–locator s–pell is–n't w–ork–ing eit–her. I d–don't kn–ow wh–at to do—"

"Okay," he shushed her, wrapping his arms around her, "let's just calm down, yeah? I'm sure he's fine."

"No," she mumbled in his chest, "you don't understand. If my locator spell doesn't work on someone—"

"—cloaking spell." He cut her off, "let's not think negatively. Let's just go see what the others are up to, alright?" She looked up at him, nodding as he added, "we'll figure this out."

They entered the room where Rafael was with Emma and Alaric just in time to hear their Headmaster say, "I'm mad at myself."

"For what?" Hope asked making Alaric look at them, "I got to go. I've got a big mess I need to clean up. Hope, stay with Emma. Jax, come with me. Keep me posted on what you learn, okay? I'll have the school phone on me." Alaric then walked out of the room while Jaxon turned to Hope, "I'll see you later."

Then he followed after Alaric and they both went towards Kaleb's room. Alaric brought his hand up and knocked and soon after, Kaleb opened the door, "What's up?"

"Uh..." Alaric cleared his throat making Kaleb raise his brows, "did you find my boy?"

"Uh, no."

"I though you said... and I quote..." Kaleb quoted what Alaric said earlier that say, "Everything'll be fine. I'll handle it."

"Yeah," Alaric sighed, "that's why I'm here. I need your help. And so does MG."

"Where are we going?"

"MG's house—" Jaxon replied, "—well his parents' house."

"Let's go then."


"Damn," Kaleb said as they made their way towards the house, "when you said MG going home would be catastrophic, I expected Chernobyl, not Wisteria Lane."

"Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving." Alaric looked at the two boys as he rang the doorbell, "just... let me do the talking."

A woman opened the door, straightening herself when she saw who was standing at her doorstep, "Dr. Saltzman."

"Veronica," Alaric said, clearing his throat.

"I'm Kaleb," Kaleb introduced making Veronica look at Jaxon questioningly, "Jaxon, pleasure. It is so good to finally meet the woman who couldn't talk her husband into accepting their so—"

Alaric nudged him in the ribs which cut him off and only made him smirk at Veronica who bit her lip in embarrassment as she tried to regain her posture looking at Alaric, "I assume you're here to apologize for my son showing up yesterday."

"Bold of you to assume—" Jaxon was cut off by Alaric who flashed the woman a forced smile, "— actually, we're here because he never returned to the school. He's gone missing and... we're afraid he contacted his father."

"Well, I can assure you that didn't happen," Veronica said just as her husband asked from inside, "Veronica, who's at the door?"

"Uh, just a solicitor, dear. I'll be right in," she responded and looked at Kaleb who spoke, "so where'd MG go?"

"I don't know," the woman replied, "But you're gonna find him. We may not be able to have him here with us, but he was supposed to be safe at your school. We had an arrangement, and I expect you to uphold it." Then she went back inside and closed the door.

"An arrangement, huh?" Kaleb looked at Alaric who sighed, "good thing that don't sound suspicious." Ignoring him, Alaric walked away. "Hello? Why'd you bring me all this way if you're not gonna tell me anything?"

Alaric shushed him as he placed his phone near his ear, talking to Hope while Jaxon made his way towards Kaleb, "I have a theory."

"Tell me about it."

"I think that MG did go see his dad and he found out that he didn't accept him as a vampire which broke his heart and so he compelled daddy dearest to forget their little encounter before going on a killing spree."

"Maybe. But not the killing spree part. I know MG, dude," Kaleb said, "he would never."

"You know you're the one who got him to drink human blood in the first place," Jaxon stated, "so if he goes around sucking people dry then..." He trailed off, raising his brows suggestively, "it's on you."

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