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AFTER GETTING RID OF THE SLUGS, and ensuring the safety of the urn, Alaric decided to redo the whole talent show which was currently taking place.

Jaxon, however, having no interest in the whole thing made his way to Hope's room. He entered only to find her standing in front of the mirror. She smiled, looking at him through, "hi. So it took me three showers but I think I'm finally clean."

"Three of them?" Jaxon asked as he closed the door behind him while she hummed, "yep, three. I was being ridiculous all day," she said, laughing as he came to stand in front of her, "but I was happy. The things I said, how I acted, maybe it could be that way all the time. Maybe the only thing that's keeping me from being happy is me."

"You wanted a great deal of things when you were slug–you," Jaxon said with a smirk which made her cheeks redened. "I wasn't... I wasn't thinking."

"You're blushing," he stated with a grin on his face making her hide her face behind her hair. "It's cute," he laughed at her expression before placing a hand on the back of her waist and pulled her to him.
"Make up for the lost time," he repeated her words from earlier as a whisper in her right ear, allowing his lips to brush softly against it, "well, we can make up for the lost time now. What do you say?"

Her knees were giving out just at the sound of his voice. On hearing her heartbeat accelerating, Jaxon smirked and placed a hand on the side of her face before capturing her lips with his.

Hope's lips began moving against his own as her hand instantly went to the back of his head and began playing with his hair, attempting to pull him closer. She parted her lips to give him access to her mouth and the second she did, his tongue slid in while she tugged at her shirt, wanting it gone.

He smirked against her lips but removed his shirt nonetheless before helping her to remover hers as well, tossing it somewhere across the room. Then he slowly pushed her on the bed without breaking the kiss.

Before they knew it, they were both lying naked on the bed, him above her and her underneath him, their clothes long discarded.

Jaxon began kissing her neck, sucking and nibbling on the soft skin. When he was done assaulting her neck, he began trailing his tongue along her collarbone making Hope's hand which he held in a firm grip above her head jerk forward but was unable to move it further as his hold was extremely tight.

"Stay still," he whispered against her skin, now holding both her wrists with only one hand while he began trailing the tip of his fingers on every inch of her body until his fingers reached where he knew she wanted him the most.

He let out a laugh when he felt her wet self, "would you look at that? You're dripping."

"It's not like I can help it," she mumbled, parting her legs to give him access which made him smirk in amusement before he lowered his head to her face and captured her lips with his again at the same time as he pressed his thumb against her making her gasp in her mouth. As she did so, he slid his tongue inside and began playing with hers all while brushing his finger against her slowly and sensually.

She whined in his mouth, needing more and knowing that he was doing it on purpose. He wanted her to ask for it. "What is it that you want?" He questioned.

"You know what I want." She breathlessly responded as he bit her bottom lip gently, "no, I don't."

"I want you to—" she paused, closing her eyes when she felt his fingers brushing against her clit again, "—finger me. Now do it before I do it mysel—" she was cut off when he slid a finger into her, a loud moan escaping her mouth.

He slowly began thrusting his finger in and out of her while staring at her face, taking in her expressions. She had her eyes closed and her hands held above his head, her lips in between her teeth. Soon, he added a second finger, and then a third, he started thrusting them in and out at a slow pace at first then began increasing it, going faster.

"I'm going to c—" she cut herself off when he abruptly removed his fingers and stopped his actions. Opening her eyes, she shot him a look, "why'd you stop?"

"I wanted to," he positioned himself just in front of her entrance, "I'm going to fuck you now. All right?"

She nodded as he slowly pushed himself in, her eyes closing yet again at the sensation and her breath hitched before she felt him buried deep inside her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his hot breath hitting her skin and he slowly bit it as he began moving in a out slowly before increasing his pace.

Hope's moans were the only thing that were filling his ears as he felt her clench around him making him groan against her neck. "Do that again."

And so she did, moaning loudly as she did so. "You know, there are Supernaturals around with enhanced hearing," Jaxon mumbled.

"Bless their ears then—" her unbothered tone was cut off by another moan from her when Jaxon slid out before pushing back in at a much quicker pace, "oh fuck, Jax— I think I'm close."

"You think?" He asked, bringing his hand to draw circles on her clit as he thrusted in and out of her again and again. When he bit her soft spot and ran his tongue across the skin, she clenched around him again before she felt a wave of pleasure and she was about to release when he stopped her, "no, wait." 

"I d–don't think I can," she whispered, her eyes rolling to the back of her head when he continued pounding into her, "Yes you can," he breathed out as his other hand releasing her own before wrapping themselves around her neck as he pushed in deeper.

After a few more seconds, he said, "come now," and so she did. They both came at the same time.


I am going to hell for this.

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