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"MOM?" TWELVE YEAR OLD JAXON made his way inside his house, frowning at the quietness. "Mom, are you home?" Upon receiving no response, he walked further inside.

However, before he could reach the stairs, he heard a low menacing growl making him turn around to find a grey wolf standing there, growling at him. His eyes widened in fear as he realised that it was a full moon and that wolf was undoubtedly his mother, he could feel it— the familiarity. "M–Mom?"

The wolf let out another low growl, not in her senses. At that time, Jaxon was nothing but a threat to her and she was going to attack— she was bloodthirsty.

He frowned in confusion as to why his mom didn't lock herself up— as she would usually do. Maybe she didn't get the time to. Nonetheless, he knew that he had to run. He knew that the wolf staring at him was bot his mother. He knew that he was a prey. He needed to get away before he get hurt or worst, she gets hurt.

He carefully took a large step backward, climbing on the stairs. The wolf took the movement as a sign and took a few steps backward as well, preparing itself to jump. Knowing what the wolf planned on doing, Jaxon ran. He ran for dear life.

He rushed up the stairs, heart pounding in his chest. He could feel it. He opened the door to his room and closed it, locking it. The wolf jumped at the door, attempting to open it with it's force but in vain. Jaxon leaned against it and sighed, fear rushing through his body.

Then the banging stopped. He let out a sigh of relief, thinking that the wolf gave up and ran away. But he was proven wrong when the window to his room broke as the wolf broke into his room, shaking itself to remove the pieces of shards which fell on it.

Jaxon backed away in fear, feeling frozen on the spot as his mother stared at him with a murderous glint in her eyes in her wolf form. "Mom?" His voice was shaking, "it's me... you don't wanna hurt me."

The wolf growled, taking steps towards him while he felt himself unable to move. Before he could blink, the wolf jumped on him, sending him crashing to the floor as it hovered over him, baring it's sharp teeth at Jaxon who took a deep breath, "p–please, j–just listen to my voice, okay?" His voice was trembling and he was surprised that he hadn't fainted yet. "I know you're still in there... somewhere." The wolf growled again, only staring down at him— not having attacked yet.

"Let me go." Jaxon mumbled, hissing in pain when she dug her claws into his wrist as she was pinning him to the ground. The wolf was about to back away but however, the smell of his blood filled her senses and she went rabid. With a loud growl, her eyes flashed and he knew that she was going to kill him if he didn't do something.

And so, he did the one thing he could. Using his free leg, he kicked her—hard which sent her flying, crashing against the wall. That made her furious as she jumped at him again, managing to bite him in the shoulder. Jaxon cried in pain, throwing her away with his powers. "Mom, you need to stop."

However, his mother was long gone. The wolf staring at him was not his mother, it was some savage bloodthirsty wolf. And so, again, the wolf attacked. The smell of his blood driving it crazy.

Jaxon was not developed on his abilities so he could barely do anything except using the tricks he already knew which were not much. The wolf attacked him again, sending him crashing on the ground.

Jaxon leaned against the wall, holding his bleeding shoulder as it was slowly healing but the pain was still there. He stared at the wolf who charged towards him with teary eyes and his abilities reacted before he could. His eyes flashed red, the wolf backed down, whimpering as she got on her knees. Jaxon furrowed his brows in confusion, not knowing what was happening as he never did such a thing before.

"Mom?" He whispered, staring at the wolf who was whimpering in pain as Jaxon was unknowingly squeezing it's heart telepathically. "W–What's going on?" The wolf let out a loud howl of pain, announcing her pack that she was on the verge of death. A tear escaped her eyes as Jaxon noticed blood pouring out of it's mouth.

"Mom?" His eyes widened as he got up on his feet and rushed to his mother, "what's happening?" He stopped squeezing her heart but he didn't know what he was doing. However, it was too late. Her breaths came in short and the next thing Jaxon knew was his mother dying in her wolf form. "M–mom?" His voice shook, tears forming in his eyes, "are you shifting back? Is this normal? Please tell me it's part of the process— no, no, no..."

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