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"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU TWO GO?" Alaric asked, clenching his jaw at his two students, "do you know how worried I was? We looked for you two everywhere!"

"Are you seriously going to make a big deal out of this when there's literally a murderer on the lose?" Jaxon asked, rolling his eyes at Alaric who sighed, glancing at Hope who shrugged.

"Fine..." Alaric groaned, "I'll deal with you two later. Now, go wait for me by my car. Both of you."

"Thanks for being understanding, Ric." Jaxon patted the old man on his shoulder mockingly before walking away with Hope. They went outside and approached Alaric's familiar car, seeing someone under it.

"Hello?" Hope frowned making Rafael come out from under the car, revealing himself, "hey."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jaxon asked as he rolled back underneath it.

"Adjusting the sway bar." Rafael replied making Hope furrowed her brows, "adjusting the sway bar."

"Was it broken?" Hope asked to which he replied, standing up, holding the bar in his hand, "now it is. You're going after Landon. If you want this car to work, I'm going with you."

"Does he know that I've got my own car?" Jaxon asked Hope who shook her head, a smirk at her lips, "I don't think he did."

"You do?" Rafael furrowed his brows at Jaxon who nodded, rolling his eyes, "whatever, you should stay out of this whole Landon shit."

"He's right." Hope supported, "Landon's a thief and a liar."

"He took a stupid knife." Rafael defended, about to step forward but took a step back upon noticing the look Jaxon was sending him.

"Nothing in this school is stupid anything." Hope said to which Jaxon nodded, adding, "except a few students like yourself."

"Look. He's my best friend," Rafael said, looking at Hope and Jaxon, "and you two? You seem vengeful." Hope sighed and looked away for a second before saying, "let me show you something."

She stepped forward and placed her hand on either side of Rafael's place, allowing him to see the same flashes she saw of Landon and the bus of people. When she stepped away, Rafael looked horrified, "what the hell was that?"

"Your best friend did that to a bus full of people on route twenty nine last night," Hope responded, "and Jax and I are the only ones who knows how to find him. You're not coming along, it's dangerous."

"I'm going to come." Rafael insisted, "End of story."

"I have actual magical powers," Hope said, threatening. Rafael scoffed, "and I have a long history of anger issues."

"And I don't care. You're not coming." Jaxon stepped forward only to be stopped by Hope who held him back, shaking her head at him at the same time as Alaric came, "he can come."

"What?" Hope and Jaxon looked at their headmaster questioningly. Alaric replied, "he knows Landon. He'll be an asset and we need all the help we can get so fix the car and hop in."

Hope flashed him a sarcastic smile before walking to sit in the car while Jaxon rolled his eyes at him, "and put a shirt on. Hey, Ric?"


"I'm driving." Jaxon said to which he shook his head, "no."



"Yes," Jaxon showed him the keys he stole from him earlier. "Yes," he repeated, smirking when Alaric discreetly flipped him off. "Whatever."


Getting out of the car, the group of four made their way inside the forest. They were walking in silence until Hope broke it, "I don't know why he's still out here. He has a whole day's lead on us. He could be anywhere."

"Maybe 'cause he doesn't have a reason to run," Rafael spoke up, still bitter about the fact that his best friend was being blamed for whatever happened to those people on the bus.

"Logic that would be perfectly believable if he hadn't you know, ran." Hope responded just when Jaxon heard something, "wait—" he said making the others turn around, "hear that?" They heard a twig snapped. That's when they realised that they were not alone in that forest.

"Someone's here." Alaric said, having also heard the snap of the twig. He then turned around and began running in that direction with the others following him. Jaxon's steps halted when he saw a woman sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree—more like hiding.

She quickly stood up making Alaric raise his hands to his sides, "I–It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." Alaric took a few steps forward only for the woman to take several backwards. Jaxon stood there beside Hope and watched with his brows furrowed as he took in the woman's appearance. She had ashes covering her face and her dress were partly burnt. He inhaled and smoke filled his nostrils. She was Supernatural— he could feel it.

"Were you on the bus?" Jaxon asked the woman making her look at him. Her expression said it all, "can you tell us what happened?"

"Is she a survivor?" Hope asked to which Rafael replied, "smells like it. She reeks of smoke."

"I think she's in shock," Alaric pointed out, all staring at the woman who looked confused.

"I think she's dumb." Jaxon spoke making them look at him. He nodded in the woman's direction, "she can't talk. What's to say she's understanding what we're saying right now?"

"I think you're right. Look, I need to get her to the police so she can get some medical attention," Alaric spoke, looking at his students, "uh, why don't you three go ahead? Don't engage. We don't know how dangerous Landon is."

"He's not dangerous—" Rafael was quick to defend making Jaxon shoot him a look, getting fed up of him, "—he said don't engage."

"Jax is in charge." Alaric said making Jaxon smirk, winking at Hope who rolled her eyes. "Come on."

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