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HOPE SLOWLY OPENED her eyes, feeling an arm draped around her waist as her head was resting against something hard. Jaxon's chest. Her cheeks reddened when she remembered what happened last night. She enjoyed it, and so did he. She certainly did not regret it.

She attempted to move away from him without disturbing him and she did, she was about to get off the bed when a hand clasped itself around her wrist and pulled her back, "where are you going?" His morning voice was deep and husky which made her insides burn all over again. Since when was she so... needy?

Hope slowly turned her head to look at Jaxon whose eyes were half-opened as he was staring at her. "It's still eight. Come back here." And so she did. He rested an arm around her bare waist as she laid her head on his chest again.

"You know, I could get used to this." Hope muttered as he played with strands of her soft hairs while her head rested on his chest.

"I'm leaving," he announced bluntly making Hope held herself up on her elbows as she looked at him, confused, "what?"

"I'm leaving," he repeated, adding, "only for two days. I'm going to Europe to visit Caroline. You can always tag along if you want to."

"No, I wouldn't want to disturb your time with her." She was quick to say, "and the idea of Lizzie and Josie being there- well they don't really like me, especially Lizzie."

"I know that," he scoffed, "the whole school knows that. So, I guess I'll be going alone then, hmm?"

"I guess so."


Jaxon stepped out of the private jet, his eyes falling on the familiar blonde who was standing by the black SUV wearing a black leather jacket and looking as stunning as ever.

"Jax!" Caroline exclaimed making the half-god smile as he made his way towards her. She wasted no time in wrapping her arms around him, hugging him as tightly as ever and he didn't waste a second before hugging her back.

"Oh my god, I've missed you!" Caroline exclaimed, excitement clear in her tone, "we have so much to talk about." Breaking the hug, she flashed him a wide bright smile, "just look at how handsome you've become!" She walked over to the car boot, opening it, "come on, put your stuff in there and let's go."


Once they arrived at the house that Caroline was staying in, she showed him his room and gave him a few minutes to freshen up while she was downstairs making coffee for both of them.

After a few minutes, the two found themselves sitting across each other in the grand living room. Jaxon raised his brows, fingers gesturing around the house, "bought or compelled the owner?"

Caroline smirked at that, "compelled the owner to buy it half the price."

"Why pay when you could've just compelled the owner to get out?"

"Because I'm nice." She rolled her eyes, "something I taught you how to be but unfortunately you failed at it. Now, tell me is there any... girls?" She wiggled her brows suggestively.

Noticing Jaxon's silence, she gasped dramatically, "there is, isn't it? I knew it! You've been glowing ever since I saw you."

"Fine, I suppose there is this one girl." Jaxon said casually. He has always felt free to say whatever he wished to Caroline because he knew that she would listen, support and not judge. That's why he loved her.

Caroline's eyes widened and a wide smile spreaded across her lips as she leaned on her chair, her fingers wrapped around her mug of coffee, "oh, do tell. Is she a student at the school? Do I know her?"

"Well..." Jaxon cleared his throat, "yeah, you know her." He was however a bit unsure of how Caroline react at that particular news considering that she and Hope's father, Klaus were close.

"I do?" Caroline asked, taking a sip of her coffee, "okay then. Go on, tell me her name."

"It's Hope." He finally said.


Jaxon nodded in response as he stared intently at Caroline's face, taking note of her expression. However, it was not what he expected at all.

Caroline smiled brightly, letting out a small chuckle as she did so, "finally! Took you two long enough! I thought you were never going to realize your undying feelings for each other. I'm proud of you, Jax."

"Wait what's that supposed to mean?" Jaxon furrowed his brows, placing the cup of coffee which was previously in his hand on the table.

"It means that I've always known that you two would end up together," she shrugged, "I mean it's kinda obvious, don't you think? All the nonsensical arguments as an excuse to talk to her. Really, Jax? You two were so obvious."

"It wasn't an excuse to talk to her," he rolled his eyes, "she can be pretty annoying when she wants to."

"Let's get back to more pressing matters," she smirked as she asked, "did you two do it yet?" Caroline was so blunt, she had no filter and that was something he was used to. Jaxon would be lying if he said that he didn't know Caroline would ask something like that. That was just... her.

"I'm not telling you."

"I'm taking that as a yes," she leaned comfortably on the couch she was sitting on, "what do you want to do later today? How about some bonding time? There is this club..."

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