(𝑀/𝓃)'𝓈 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒱𝐼𝐼

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The book contains 18+ languages and knowledge. You will glimpse things that might denigrate, displease, mortify, or petrify you. If you want to document the book, stow your horses, revert, and dismiss the book alone, monsieur or madame. I possess nothing but the book and some plot hypotheses; all go to their respective proprietors. I have cautioned you, dear; now is the time for you to decide whether you will continue reading or not. Thank you for reading this, and let us cruise to the main event.


⭐Imagine being a psychiatrist working in the Ashenwood Asylum, one of the oldest and biggest sanatoria in the world. You were in your post until one of your co-workers barged into your headquarters, telling you about the new and 'mad' patients coming to the place. The head director gave you the job of taking care of these patients as you got into their cells and asked about their names. A pink-haired boy came to you and purred like a kitten.

???: What's your name, handsome~

(M/n): I am Dr. (L/n), and I am your current psychiatrist until I fix your mental condition. Now for the question, what is your name?

The purple one spoke and bowed down.

Yurio: My name is Yurio (Yuri), this is Satori (Sayori), and those two are Natsuko and Makoto (Natsuki and Monika).

Mokoto: So, doctor. What are you going to do now?

(M/n): I need to ask you a lot of questions, but I need to focus on the main-

You missed your sentence by Satori yanking your coat sleeve to get your attention.

Satori emphasizes: Can you really help us? 

Makoto: The previous physician merely does it for coffers, not nursing our sanity. 

(M/n): I will help you, I will nurse you back to full health. 

As weeks bled to months, symposiums after symposiums, you get to learn each other well, from their preferences to their grievous backstory. They have sentiments for you; they would even eradicate each other since they are already mad. As soon you notice the behaviour, you anoint everyone to a small meeting and tell them that you love them equally. They are shocked and ask you why an average person like you loves mentally ill patients like them. You didn't hesitate to kiss them; they all agreed to share you. Soon they got better and got out of the place. All are living peacefully.


Imagine privately dating Dabi, despite your standing as a hero. You constantly use your complimentary time to 'relax' at home, only dwell on your precious lover. He likes it every time you visit him Shirigaki and Toga already knew your relationship and let the two have some time together.


⭐Imagine your adorable cat boyfriend, Raymond (Animal Crossing), stopping by his wolf boyfriend's botanical garden dome. He entered the garden and swarmed by your cousin's kids; you chuckled as you saw your lover comforting your cousin's children. You slowly approach your cat boy with his favourite flower on your back; he turns and sees his boyfriend grinning with flowers in his hand. He made some grabby hands, wanting to get some kisses from the big wolf boy; you picked him up and kissed him, and the kids spoke eww. The two shrugged off and continued babysitting until your cousin decided to pick the kids up.

𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷: (𝓜/𝓷) 𝓲𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭Where stories live. Discover now