(𝑀/𝓃) 𝒾𝓃 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒳𝐼𝐼𝐼

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The book contains 18+ languages and knowledge. You will glimpse things that might denigrate, displease, mortify, or petrify you. If you want to document the book, stow your horses, revert, and dismiss the book alone, monsieur or madame. I possess nothing but the book and some plot hypotheses; all go to their respective proprietors. I have cautioned you, dear; now is the time for you to decide whether you will continue reading or not. Thank you for reading this, and let us cruise to the main event.

Infestation Metre: ☣️☣️ - One crystal or a two more


⭐Imagine having Dark Pit in love with you. He fought you with all his strength; he couldn't look away or get distracted by your looks. Despite the fact that Dark Pit wanted to win the fight against you, he couldn't help but be drawn in by your beauty. He can't sleep with the thoughts of you consuming his every thought, and he still persists in combating you with all the strength he has, but deep inside his heart, he can't help but love you. He gets envious when he sees you with other guys, and periodically he finds himself wanting to be the solely one who gets to make you happy. Whether it's Pit, Joker, Marth, or Rietcher, he still feels the same love for you. He will spar for your love, even if it means taking a fall. One day he hopes that you will realize the depths of his feelings, and he will have faith that it will be worth the wait. He grew impatient and decided to confess his love for you, pouring out his heart and soul in a long-anticipated letter. He queued for your response with heavy breath, for he knew that the fate of his love lay in the strength of your reply. He soon heard a knock on his door and opened it to find you standing before him, your tall and well-built figure illuminated by the light of the sun setting in the sky. You towered over him as he blushed and hesitantly looked up at you. He was happy when you accepted his pitch, with a smile that lit up the room brighter than the sun, and he was glad to have found true love at last. Now in every match, you two would play afloat, and you would always triumph, with the unspoken rule that he was not to be a gentleman and let you win. In duo fight battles, you were always victorious, and together, you were a team that no one could defeat. He was enthusiastic to have you as his partner in life, and together, the two of you were an unstoppable force. Don't forget the love sign you and Dark Pit created on a tree during your first hike together in the woods, which still stands as a symbol of your enduring love for each other.


⭐You are a new character to be added to Smash. You came from a popular video game franchise from the 1990s, "The Withering Madness." Your character was a mad, fanatical arsonist and one of the main protagonists in the series. 

In fact, you made multiple returns and cameos in other games and spin-offs from the series. Your persona is described as crazy, mad, maniacal, and destructive, yet you are caring and loyal to the few individuals you deem worthy of your trust. 

When you arrived at Super Smash Bros., tens of thousands of fans of your franchise flocked to the stores to buy the DLC. Others came to purchase the game and then your DLC just to see you in action, with no clue what or how to play the game. 

Under the "darkened" portion of the game files, there is a place for you to live, enjoy, build relationships, die, etc. in a building called the Smash House, where fighters and combatants alike stay while they fight, get to know each other, or just take a break. a place to call home both in-game and out. 

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