New Year Flash Fiction

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 "Everybody!" Sebastian said in a very joyful tone as he began to do a tap dance that caught everyone's attention. "Step right down! Step right down!" announcing their arrival at the main gate.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said as he stared into the crowd. "Well, mostly men— I present to you!"He said as the sheets and fog revealed the magic and beauty behind them.

Everyone gasped, and some had their jaws literally drop in excitement. Their eyes sparkled with amazement and joy that they had never seen before. Vil wiped the tears from his eyes, as he had never seen something as beautiful as this in his sight. Joseph snapped some photography with a perfect angle and a couple of selfies for remembrance.

It was the place where the author had said to be taken: Funfair Paradise, the positive and non-spooky version of Circus of Horrors. The boys' eyes were wide open at the wondrous and polychromatic sight of the land. It was a circus, a fairground, and a wonderland all at once. There was a swinging ship in shades of yellow, brown, and silver, and the boys were in for thrills and excitement. The big top was a very different one; it was a giant mechanical female robot that was covered in colors of pink, red, magenta, purple, and yellow, and the lower dress was the circus tent, where the main shows were held.

"That's Mother Ginger," stated Sebastian, "one of our many famous attractions, and based on the—" he said before getting cut off by a certain short blueberry boy.

"The Nutcracker?" Ciel replied in a low and usual tone, but this time with a mix of him being a child. Which was rare.

"Yes, it is the Nutcracker! It is one of my favorite ballets!," he said as they stopped in front of the gates. The crowds were filled with anticipation and excitement. "Mother Ginger was my huge inspiration for this masterpiece, and she used old-fashioned steam works," he said as he puffed his chest with pride.

"Enjoy. Have fun!" Sebastian said as he bowed down before raising his head over with a smile and raising his top hat in an entertaining manner. Sebastian bellows boisterous laughter, then jumps high over the crowd and grasps a lantern post. His figure descends in a spiral. He tapped the colossal gate with his cane, and the gate slowly and teasingly opened. Plastering faces on even those who don't smile. Their eyes opened wide and sparkled in delight and amazement as the author didn't lie to them about this place being real and wonderful.

"Wow!" said Keaton as his tail wagged in joy.

"I can smell the corndogs in the air!" Luffy said as his nose expanded to sniff the sweet scent of fried batter and hotdogs in the air.

"No kidding! I have seen traveling carnivals, but never like this wonderful one! " Sylvain spoke with amazement in his tone, gaining a nod from Felix and Dmitri.

"Everyone. March in. Enjoy and have fun. And put that frown upside down!" Sebastian said with a contented heart and tone filled with content.

The boys took his word to heart and chose to enjoy this limited event that will be a remembrance of last year. Natsu went down to the food court and challenged Luffy to an eating contest. Sephiroth dragged Cloud and Noctis to the roller coaster and was very thrilled by the attraction and seeing their souls pass out of their bodies. Riddle departed from the rest inside the haunted mansion but got chased by Floyd, who was running wearing white sheet blankets. 9s was copying and analyzing every dance move on the dance floor before breaking it down like a pro. The rest did their part and had their fill of fun at the fair. Sebastian laid back and relaxed inside the giant machinery. He took off his mask in his private chambers to put on some face masks and some cucumbers.

Note: Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear readers. Pardon me if my book is in an unprogressive, sluggish, and broken state, and I would like to say thank you for staying with me and being patient with my future updates.

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