(𝑀/𝓃) 𝒾𝓃 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒳𝐼𝐼

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The book contains 18+ languages and knowledge. You will glimpse things that might denigrate, displease, mortify, or petrify you. If you want to document the book, stow your horses, revert, and dismiss the book alone, monsieur or madame. I possess nothing but the book and some plot hypotheses; all go to their respective proprietors. I have cautioned you, dear; now is the time for you to decide whether you will continue reading or not. Thank you for reading this, and let us cruise to the main event.

Infestation Metre:  None - Crystal Clear


⭐Imagine you and Yoichi Yukimura are surprisingly powerful werewolves who could transform anytime they want, even in broad daylight. Often, you sneak out of your house to meet Yoichi at the forest nearby, and you spend hours exploring the depths of the forest together. 

You and he wrestle and have a blast, chasing each other through the trees and leaping over logs, howling at the moon, scaring campers when you can, then eating up the food they've prepared. The two of you nuzzle with each other before eventually heading back home, where you make sure to sneak in without getting caught by your parents. 

You and Yoichi couldn't help but grow butterflies in your stomachs whenever you met each other, and it made all the moments of adventure even more special. He kind of felt like he was falling in love with a guy, but the feeling was too strong for him to resist. He was rough and mean yet kind and gentle with you, and although his company was risky, it was worth it because it kept you feeling alive. 

He dreamed of having a family one day, and although you weren't sure if it was with you, it made your heart ache at the thought of not being able to make his dream come true. You and him met again one night, and he told you that his dream was to have a family with you, to share the life and adventure of being together with someone he adored. 

You smiled, with tears forming in your eyes, and hugged him tightly as you told him that your dream was the same as his. For the rest of the night, you and he stayed up, talking and dreaming of what your life together would look like-the conversations and laughter you'd share and the love that would never cease. 

Though you and he were both men, you both knew that no matter who you were or how society perceived you, your love was genuine and unbreakable. A few years later, you and him got married in the middle of the night in the forest with only the stars above as your witnesses, and it was one of the most beautiful and romantic moments you had ever experienced. 

The two of you lived together after you had a stable job, and he took care of the household. You lived together in peaceful bliss, making memories, laughing at the same jokes, and looking forward to each day with anticipation. Two wolves living together in harmony, against all odds, no matter what anyone said or what the laws of society dictated.


It is hard to imagine a more thrilling experience than having a passionate and intense sexual encounter with Alucard from the Hellsing series. having the feeling that you can rile him up as much as you want. Despite being an immortal vampire, Alucard is incredibly passionate and intense in all of his physical encounters. Whether it is a game of cat and mouse or a hot, passionate experience, Alucard is always ready to satisfy his partner. Alucard's willingness to explore and experiment with the physical pleasures of his partners, as well as his own, brings an added level of excitement and intensity to any sexual encounter.

𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷: (𝓜/𝓷) 𝓲𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭Where stories live. Discover now