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July 7, 2017 Los Angeles

How the hell I managed to arrange a date with Lizzie after a month of talking? Can I even call it a date? We decide to meet for a lunch today and probably most people would call it as a casual meeting, but the amount of flirting we do over the texts makes me think different about this.

I don't know anything for sure right now, but after my talk with Selena a few days ago, I decided to go for it. Lizzie is great and I'd be fool to blow off things with her.

But, it's fucking hard. I wasn't in a real relationship since the summer after my third year in college. It lasted two months and I broke up with the girl, because I knew I'll be too busy, because of school and my career. Since then, I only had flings and Lizzie was supposed to be one of them, but after I found her in that damn alley, I started thinking differently about her. I'm not sure what changed, but something did.

I'm not complaining though, I want to try.

Today's meeting is not fancy or anything, so I wear light pants and my Gucci belt, tucking a plain, white t-shirt inside my pants. I also throw pewter, short sleeve shirt, leaving it unbuttoned. I like shirts like this, leave me alone, okay? I put black sneakers with black socks.

 I like shirts like this, leave me alone, okay? I put black sneakers with black socks

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I think it's not too fancy, but not too casual either. I curse under my breath at my inner battle about a fucking outfit. I didn't even go once with Lizzie and I'm already a mess. Get a grip, Perry.

Around 12:30 p.m I arrive to the restaurant and go straight to the area outside where Lizzie is already waiting for me. She smiles widely when she sees me and stands up from her chair.

"Hi, sorry for being late, traffics" I say as I give her a quick hug.

"Hi, don't worry about it" She smiles sweetly at me and sits back. I sit on the other side of the table and take a good look at Lizzie. Fuck, she looks good.

"You look great" The words leave my mouth without my permission. Lizzie blushes at my words as my face flushes with embarrass. "Sorry" I apologize after I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Don't be, thank you" She assures me with a shy smile, her eyes flick from my face to the table.

"Em, did you order already?" I ask, rising the menu a little.

"No, no. I was waiting for you" She replies and I nod.

My eyes go to the menu and from the corner of my eye, I see Lizzie doing the same. I hate myself right now, why I'm so awkward.

"Did you ever eat here before?" I ask, trying to do small talk. That's what you're supposed to do on real dates, right?

"Few times, yeah. The food is great here"

"Oh, yeah? Any recommendations?"

"Well, I'm usually getting some salad here, but last time a friend ate a burger and he was happy with his choice" She shares and I hum, thinking about it.

"Friend of yours, any close one? Someone who I can trust with his opinion?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, resting the menu on the table.

"Mhm" She hums in agreement. "Very trustable" She smirks when I clench my jaw at her words.

I turn my head and raise my fingers when I see a waitress near us.

"Good morning, I'm Ava, can I take your order?" She asks politely and I nod at Lizzie to go first.

"I'll have chicken salad with green juice" She orders and I grimace at the mention of green juice. Gross.

"And for you?" Ava asks with a flirtatious tone. It makes me feel more cocky, so I fix my posture and shoot her a small smirk.

"I'll have a beef burger and ice tea, love" I order, putting my British accent to better use. Like I always do when pretty girls are flirty to me.

"Alright, I'll have your dishes prepared as soon as it's possible" She says, before she winks at me and leaves our table and goes inside.

I turn my head back to Lizzie and notice her hard glare and I look confused at her.

"What?" I ask and she scoffs.

"Did you invited me here, so you could get into my pants again and leave like last time?" She asks in disbelief.

"W-What?" I stutter out.

"Because if you did, then I really regret texting with you and coming here, because I thoug-"

"No, no. What are you talking about?" I cut her rambling with my own question. "I don't wanna get into your pants, I swear" I defend myself quickly.

"You don't?" She scoffs again and I can feel how the anger inside me is raising. What the fuck is her problem now? "So, you're always flirting with other people on your dates?"

"D-Date?" I murmur quietly to her and she freezes on her seat.

"I-I, fuck I'm stupid, forget I said anything" She rushes out and she stands up. "I should go, we didn't define this meeting and I don-"

"Hey, hey, easy there tiger" I stop her from getting up with taking her hand in mine. Her eyes snap to mines as she widens them. "You're starting to spiral real quick, huh?" I tease her slightly, but when her eyes drop to the ground, I let a sigh and squeeze her hand.

"Sorry" She mumbles quietly.

"Don't apologize, please. C'mon, sit back, yeah? Please?" I plead and she sits back after a few seconds looking at my face and seeing my determined look. "Look, you're right, we didn't define this and if I'm being honest, I was nervous about it too. But if you want it to be a date then I'm more than happy to agree to that" I say truthfully and her eyes look into mines for any sign of lying.

"Okay. I'd like that" She replies with a soft smile. "I'm sorry for exaggerating. Like you said, I can easily let myself to overthinking even about the smallest things" She mumbles embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, really. It's my fault, to be honest. And sorry about the whole waitress think. I um..." I bite my lip in thoughts. "I guess it's just new for me?" I say in questionable tone.

"What do you mean?" Lizzie asks and before I can explain her it, the waitress comes back with our food.

I give her a forced smile, not wanting to be a flirt this time. She takes the hint and leaves quickly. My eyes fall on Lizzie and I can see her small smile at my new behavior.

"Truthfully?" I ask and she nods at me, taking the bite of her food. "I've never been in a real relationship. So, I'm sorry if I'm not too good in the whole dating thing" I explain, gesturing with my hand around us.

Lizzie hides her mouth behind her hand and lets an adorable giggle, seeing my movements. I roll my eyes playfully as I take my first bite of my burger. I moan quietly at the taste and put the burger down, wiping my face with the napkin.

"Good?" She asks, her face flushed, making me smirk a little.

"Very" I confirm with a nod.

We fell into comfortable talk about everything, eating our food in the meanwhile. She asked about my career as I about her, I also asked about her feelings after that night. She said she's okay now and that she's dealing with this in therapy, earning a surprised but proud look from me. She didn't deserve what happened and I was just glad she's better now.

After our lunch, we went for a little walk and I basically walked her home. Her home is very lovely and cute, just as she is. The whole walk I was a little distanced with her. She didn't ask about it, but I know she noticed. I just really don't want her to become my next fling in the public eye. It was already almost too messy after France and I want to enjoy our time in peace, not needing nosy paparazzi around us.

Edited: 3 June, 2022

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