seventy one

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October 22, 2018 Los Angeles

We returned from Chicago almost a week ago and today is the day when we're finally moving in together. Honestly, I'm so excited about it, I couldn't sleep the whole night, instead I was checking if we have everything packed. We don't have to worry about cleaning and stuff like that because the cleaning staff will be coming tomorrow to clean the house fully before we'll put the house on the market.

"I swear to god, if you won't sit your ass down, I'll hurt you" Lizzie threatens me and she sounds so serious that I instantly sit down on the chair next to her. We're drinking tea, waiting for the movers to arrive. "Thank you" She breathes out finally and I nod shyly.

"Sorry. I'm just excited" I mumble my apologizes and she smiles understandingly at me.

"I know. I'm too, but your pacing makes me only more nervous" She informs me and I feel bad.

I know how nervous she is with the whole situation. Lizzie bought this house a few years ago, after the premiere of her first movie. It's her first and only home, so it's obvious she's nervous. Especially now, being pregnant and all. And I only make it worse for her, but I really can't wait to be able to tell people that we're living in our home. Not hers or mine, ours.

The most thing I can't wait for? Making the baby room. Lizzie and I have so many ideas for the room already, it's crazy. I want the best for my son. I want for him to have what I never had, the best room ever.

"Oh, they're here!" I exclaim as I almost run to the front door and fling it open. "Hi, guys!" I greet the few men at the doorway.

"Hello, ms Clower. Is everything ready to take?" Their boss, Otis, says after we shake hands in greeting.

"Yeah. Everything is packed and ready to move, so you can begin" I tell him, letting the guys to come inside.

"Hello, ms Olsen" Otis greets my girlfriend when he enters the dining room.

"Hey, guys. Do you want something to drink before you start?" She asks politely, rubbing her stomach gently. She looks a bit in pain, but it's normal. Our baby son is a very active baby and kicks her a lot.

"No, thank you. We're gonna start now to finish it before lunch" He replies and Lizzie nods in understanding. "We'll start in the bedrooms" Otis adds and leads his boys in the right direction, leaving me and Lizzie alone.

"C'mere" Lizzie requests quietly and I tilt my head in question, but do what she asks for and sits next to her. "He's very active today. He's excited too about moving in together" She tells me and my face perks up before I rest my hand on her stomach to feel him. He instantly kicks under my hand, making me chuckle how powerful the kick was.

"Wow, you were right. He never kicked so hard" I breathe amazed as I rub her soft skin. "Do you need anything, my love?" I ask gently with worry.

"No, I'm alright for now. I just need to sit it, though" She decides and I nod in acknowledge before I lower my head to pepper her stomach with kisses. She chuckles lovingly, scratching the back of my head, making me hum contently.

"Okay. I'll help the boys because I literally can't stay in one place, but call me if you need anything. Go to sit on the couch, it's more comfortable" I say, pecking her lips and helping her to stand up, ignoring her whines about being comfortable. Maybe she's comfortable now, but I'm sure she won't be in the next ten minutes.

I help to move all the boxes to the truck for almost two hours before everything is packed. They drive off to our new home with our things and I help Lizzie to the car with some personal stuff. We drive to the Hollywood Hills and arrive there over twenty minutes later.

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