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July 13, 2021 Los Angeles

I watch through the kitchen's window as Lizzie is taking care of her garden. Max is in a small sandbox, playing with his toys and babbling away. I have my laptop open on the kitchen counter, a livestream put on it.

Emmy Awards nominations announcement to be exact.

Lizzie decided that she doesn't want to know when they'll announce this, so I took it as my job to do it.

"Fuck yeah!" I whisper-yell proudly at hearing my fiancée's name being announced.

I close the laptop and grab an unopened bottle of champagne from the fridge before I open the back door.

"Attention!" I call out, getting attention from them both. Lizzie looks curiously, while Max runs to me. I put my arm under his butt and lift him. He squeals and wrap his small hands around my neck to keep steady. "MJ, your mommy was just nominated for a super-duper award!"

"Really?" Lizzie perks up immediately and I nod in confirmation. "Oh my god" She breathes out happily, standing up from her previous spot.

Max doesn't understand what's happening, but he giggles nonetheless when Lizzie hugs us both tightly. She cups my face and press a chaste kiss on my lips, making me grin.

"Kiss" Max mumbles with a pout on his face. Lizzie and I share a laugh before we both give him pecks on his cheeks. He beams at us and I put him down.

"I'm so proud, my love. You deserved it" I whisper when it's just the two of us.

"Thank you" She replies in a small voice before kissing me again. I kiss her back, resting my hands just above her ass. I get a quiet moan from her and it's my clue to break the kiss. "Do you want to go out?" I look surprised at her sudden question.

"You want to go out?"

"Mhm" She hums. "We can go to the beach with Max, maybe eat some ice creams"

"If you're sure, alright" I agree with a smile.

Lizzie decides that she wants to wear some make-up, so I'm on getting Max dressed duty. It's a difficult ask, he hates dressing up. I give him his tablet, so he can watch something to keep him occupied while I get dressed first.

White t-shirt with pink-ish trunks if I'd want to go for a swim. White sneakers with socks in the same color.

"Rock star! Let's get you into some real clothes" I announce loudly, entering his room.

He's still only in overalls, sitting on the floor with the tablet. I sigh when I see the amount of sand around him, getting a mental note to clean this later. He looks up at me with a pout, already knowing what's coming.

"What you wanna wear?" I ask him, searching through his closet.

"Nothing" He replies grumpily and I laugh.

"Okay then... You'll wear what I choose" I decide, not wanting to get into a fight with him.

I pick up a blue shirt with octopus and gray shorts in white dots with trunks under them. Sky-blue sandals and bucket hat. I kneel next to him and turn off the tablet. He whines, trying to grab it again, but I shoot him a stern look.

"Max, do you want me to take your tablet away?" I question with a raised eyebrow. He shakes his head sadly. "C'mon. Do you want to wear pull-ups or not?"

Max is potty-trained pretty well, but we give him a choice when we're going out for longer than an hour or two. At this point, he's aware how his body works, so we leave the decision fully to him.

I Love You - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now