twenty six

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December 24, 2017 London

"Harry, stop messing with Charlie or I swear to god" My mom warns him for the second time when he doesn't stop digging his fingers into my younger sister's body playfully.

"Yeah, Harry, stop messing with me" Charlie mocks and pokes her tongue at him. He huffs annoyed and crosses his arms over his chest, pretending to be mad.

I roll my eyes at these two while I'm sitting next to Anne, Harry's mother, listening as much as I can, but mostly my attention switches to Harry and Charlie. I love their relationship, since the beginning Harry took the role of older brother to her, protecting her just like me.

"Alright, I'm going to help Alice" Anne announces, giving my knee a friendly squeeze, before she stands up and leaves the living room.

I decide to annoy my bestie, so I flop myself down on the free spot on the couch and put my feet on Harry's lap. He looks at me disgusted and grabs my ankles to throw my feet from him, but I push into his legs roughly and raise my eyebrow at him.

"Any problems, Harold?" I ask him teasingly and he scrunches his nose at me.

"You're my problem, mate" He replies and I huff, raising one of my feet a little, so it almost touches his face. "Fuck off!" He groans, pushing it down. I let out a laugh at his grumpy face and Charlie does too.

"You both are weird" Charlie mumbles as she pulls out her phone and starts checking it.

"Whatever" Harry scoffs and turns his head to me, his arms resting on my legs comfortably finally. "Are you excited about your tour?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely. I can't wait for it" I confirm with a big grin. "It's gonna be exhausting months, though. And I can't even imagine about missing Lizzie" I pout at the end. I'm so excited about my second tour, it's my dream after all, but I'm not looking forward to missing my girlfriend for so long.

"Don't blame you, it's the first time when you have someone for real and you're leaving her for months" He agrees with me and I start playing with my fingers on my lap rather anxiously.

"I mean, I wanted to plan some things for us to see each other in the meanwhile, but I couldn't do much when she has a big premiere and filming. But I wanna invite her for some concert in Europe if she can take a break for a couple of days. Maybe some date night in Paris?" I say the last part more as a question to myself.

"Sound good to me, mate" He pats my knee with a toothy smile. "What about New Year's Eve? You're still coming to my party, right?" He asks and I nod in response.

"Obviously" I say in a 'duh' tone and he giggles quietly with a small head shake. "Lizzie can't wait to see you again. She's still waiting to hang out with you" I remind him with amusement in my voice. I don't know why she likes him so much after one meeting, freaking Harry Styles and his charisma.

"What can I say? I'm great, Per. You should know it by now, we've known each other for years" He laughs at my roll eyes.

"When you say it like this, sometimes I regret being a good neighbor and saying hi to you" I tell him with a serious face.

"Ouch" He mumbles shocked, putting his hand over his heart. "You hurt me truly"

"Good, you twit" I poke my tongue at him and he shoves off my legs. I huff and cross my legs under my ass, resting my head on the back of the couch, turning my face to look into his direction. "Now, tell me how your tour is going" I request and he starts talking about his concerts.

It's good to see him after a couple of months. He was busy with his tour and I was being busy with preparations for my own and having time for Lizzie and writing my new album.

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