forty six

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Elizabeth's POV

As I hear the door's slam, I fall on the floor in full sobbing mode. I pull my knees close to my chest and hide my head between the knees, only my loud gasps can be heard in the home.

It was supposed to be a happy evening. I was supposed to share my worries about me being late, about the possibility of me being pregnant with her. But it all was thrown from the window when my eyes fell on these fucking photos.

I really thought that she changed, that she's no longer the player she was when we first met and that she truly loves me, she was showing me that love for the past months, even if she was across the country, she was still giving me a lot of her time, so I didn't miss her too much. She was so understanding about my anxious thoughts with her being away from me for so long, especially with her busy schedule on the tour.

Some time passes and when I start feeling the slight pain from sitting like this for too long, I decide to stand up and pull myself together. I wipe my face from dried tears and my nose with my sleeve. I still can feel tears burning my eyes, fighting to fall, but I try my best not to let them. If I start to cry again, I don't think I'll stop anytime soon.

I look around the room and take a deep breath when I see our half full plates and full glass of whiskey. The one I bought just for her, for tonight. We were supposed to celebrate her free week between her tours, maybe even celebrate my pregnancy if it'd be positive. But now, I'm left alone with my heart broken in two pieces and the possibility of her child inside me.

What am I supposed to do now?

"Fuck!" I shout as I throw the plates from the table with my hands in anger.

I look down at the shattered ceramic and I cover my mouth as I let a loud sob. The only one thing I want to do now is hide under my sheets and cry until I exhaust myself enough to fall asleep. I look at my phone laying on one of the chairs, I didn't dare to touch it since I saw the photos. Quickly, I let my thoughts wander about anyone who's in LA and could be free right now.

The twins are in New York, they were supposed to come to LA next month for their birthday. Aubrey is away on vacation with her boyfriend for the rest of this week and I don't want to talk with my mom about this, not like that.

"Scarlett" I whisper quietly as I reach quickly for my phone and grab it with my shaky hands. "Please, please" I mutter repeatedly as I try to search her contact name and call her.

"Hello?" A soft voice fills my ear after a few seconds and I let a shaky, but relieved breath. "Lizzie, are you okay, hun?" Scarlett asks worriedly and I close my eyes, trying not to cry hearing her relaxed tone.

"H-Hey" I stutter out and I clear my throat after I take a deep breath. "Hi, are you in LA maybe?"

"Em, yeah. I'm still here for the next two days still, why? Did something happen?"

"Can you come over? I really need someone and you're the only one who I'm trusting enough and who's in LA" I say instead and I bite anxiously my lip in waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? Try to breathe normally, I'll be there soon" She assures me and I can hear some rustle in the background. "I'm on my way, okay?"

"O-Okay, door's open. Thank you." I mumble quietly and end the call, letting her leave the house peacefully.

I decide to wait patiently for her and I sit on the couch and rest my head over the seat back as I look blankly on the ceiling. In some moment, my hand flies to my neck and starts playing with the necklace Perry gave me on my birthday. It brings me slight comfort even during these circumstances. I don't know how much of the time I sit like this, but a quiet bang snaps me from my misery and I look at Scarlett with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, sweetie" She coos at me and walks over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "It's okay, you're alright" She starts rubbing my back softly and I let myself to nuzzle my head into her chest and start sobbing.

I spend the next half hour in Scarlett's arms and she lets me cry out everything. I tell her what happened, at least I try my best under the circumstances I am in right now. After I calm down, she gives me some water, so my throat doesn't hurt later and I drink the whole glass in a few gulps, sighing contently as I wipe my lips. Then, Scarlett sits next to me and waits for my next move. I turn my head slightly and look at her face with a painful expression.

"I think I'm pregnant" I blur out and she widens her eyes at my confession.

"Are you, are you sure?" She asks carefully and I bite my bottom lip while nodding. "Wow, okay. Em, it's Perry's, right?"

"Of course!" I reply defensively and Scar rests her hand on my knee, caressing it softly.

"Calm down, Liz. I wanted to be sure, I wasn't judging or anything" She assures me calmly and I begin to relax under her words and touch. "Does she know?"

"No" I shake my head, fighting the tears again. "I wanted to take the test tonight with her, but well, it didn't go like I planned" I chuckle humorlessly with a shrug and hug myself tighter.

"Oh, hun" She sighs sadly and scoots closer to me, pulling me into her side. "We should check if you're 100% pregnant, then we can think about what to do, okay?"

"I guess"

"Do you have tests?"

"Yeah. I bought a lot when I realized that my period is late" She nods at my words and stands up from the couch. I exhale and stand up after her and lead her into my room.

"I'll wait here with a prepared timer for you, okay? Just let me know when to start it" She tells me and with a nod, I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I give myself a moment, resting my back against the door, breathing heavily. When I feel good enough, I step to the sink and slowly open the bathroom cupboard above it. Immediately, my eyes fall on the few boxes with different tests. I may be a little overboard with that and bought four different brands, just to be sure about the results.

I take my time to do the tests in the right way. I don't need to read what to do, because I've done them a couple of times in my life already. When they're all done, I open the door slowly and sit next to Scarlett on the bed, leaving the tests on the sink. She starts the timer just as I open the door, so now I can only wait.

I start picking my fingernails, so Scar takes my hand in her and squeezes it tightly, making me smile shyly at the older woman. I focus my attention on the bedroom's door, as if Perry suddenly would walk in by this door and say it was all a big lie and she loves me.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen.

Instead, the quiet alarm rings and I look at Scarlett in panic. I can't do it. I can't have a kid alone. I can't. I can't.

"No matter the results, I'm gonna help you. Your family too, Lizzie. You won't be alone, I promise" She calms me down like she just read my mind.

"You know, in this duo, I'm supposed to be a mind reader" I tease her in a watery giggle and she laughs at me softly.

"You're right, little witch. Now, let's check these tests, okay?" She suggests and I shake my head with widened eyes. She sighs sadly at me and runs her hand through my hair soothingly. "Do you want me to check them and tell you?"

"Please" I plead in a whisper and she nods at me reassuringly. I give her a grateful smile as she stands up and goes to the bathroom.

I try to control my breathing, feeling how the panic rises in my body in waiting for Scarlett's return.

And what feels like eternity, the short haired woman shows in the door frame with a small smile.

My smile fades as I hear her next words.

"They're all positive, hun"

And just like that, my whole life just changed.

And I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Double update because why not <3

Published: August 9, 2022

I Love You - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now