forty nine

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June 6, 2018 Los Angeles

Elizabeth's POV

I wake up with an awful nauseously feeling and I shot up from the bed and run to the bathroom. When I reach the toilet, I fall on my knees and thank god it was open because I throw up immediately, resting my arms on the toilet seat as I empty out the content of my stomach.

A groan leaves my mouth when I feel the nauseous stops and I feel the icky taste in my mouth. I take a few deeps breaths, regulating my heartbeat, before I stand up and slowly approach the sink and clean my teeth.

After my morning routine, I leave the bathroom and change from my pajamas to some comfy clothes for the day. As I'm about to walk away from the room, I stop myself in front of the mirror and lift my shirt slightly, caressing my stomach.

"Just you and me, huh?" I ask sadly, sighing loudly and leaving the room with some tears already forming in my eyes.

These hormones are getting on my nerves already and they just started a week ago, along with the morning sickness. It's going to be a long fucking ride.

Today is my free day after night shooting till 3 a.m, so my body was tired enough and the nausea woke me up already after 10 a.m. Today I also have my first prenatal visit.

I know I should go earlier, but I just couldn't care about it when I spent the last two weeks doing two things. Working and crying in the bed.

But Scarlett forced me to plan the visit before she went back to New York. But because of that, and because I didn't tell anyone about the pregnancy, I'll be going alone for the visit. And it's fucking terrified.

I forced into myself a big breakfast as I'm eating for 2 now and I feel the need to keep the baby the healthiest as much I can. I mean, no one will do it for me, right?

And when the 2 p.m comes, I'm sitting on the chair in front of the Doctor Cristina Lewis, my ob-gyn for years, office, waiting for my visit. My blood and urine simple already taken by the nurse as soon as I enter the private clinic.

"Miss Chase?" The nurse call out, making my head snap to her and stand up from the chair. "Doctor Lewis will see you now" She announces and I give her a tight smile, grabbing my purse and following her to the office.

"Lizzie, hello, it's nice to see you!" The doctor exclaims, standing up to greet me.

"Hi, Doctor Lewis" I greet the woman back and she points at the chair. I sit down on the chair and she follows, sitting on her own chair on the other side of the desk. The nurse does something behind me and the doctor clears her throat, earning my attention back to her and I give her an apologetic smile. "Sorry" I mumble embarrassingly, but she shakes her head with an understanding look.

"Don't worry about that. Let's go into it already. Over the phone, you told me that you're pregnant, am I correct?" She asks and I nod in response. She hums as she looks through some documents on her desk. "Well, I have your results and can confirm that. You're very much pregnant. Can you try to specify when you could get pregnant? Or at least when was the last to have penetrative sex?" She asks, lifting her head to look at me and I bite my bottom lip in thoughts.

"Em, it had to be between April 20th to 27th" I say, remembering my week with Perry around the premiere.

"Oh, great! Well then, you should be around 6 or 7 weeks long. It's a little too soon for normal ultrasound, so we'll have to do transvaginal ultrasound. But as good news, we should be able to see the baby's heartbeat" She tells me and a small smile sneaks on my face involuntarily at the mention of hearing the sound. "Last question before we start the exam, were you still on birth control pills that I described you last year when you conceived?"

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