The Birth Of The Hybrid (Teaser)

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A/N Welcome to my new ff. First of all thank you for reading all my stuff shitty, sad, *cough* SMUT *cough, and good you still read it. Now this is a new ff from me, one I hope you enjoy it. I can't promise all sun shines and rainbows in this ff so yeah you have been warned. I already have an idea how the romance will go. But yeah hope you enjoy it.

Arthur POV

The fall was long and I barely managed to augment myself in mana when I landed I was lucky that I did augment myself in mana because if I was late I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I looked around me and it seems like I landed in a quiet place so I took my chances and closed my eyes to sleep and regain my strength. I slept immediately when I closed my eyes.

Unknown POV

I saw when the group got ambushed by the bandits but what I did not expect was a boy, a brave boy that sacrificed himself for his mother that touched me, and when I saw the boy fall I also felt him augment his body in mana just barely on time before he crashed to the ground. I watched the boy from afar and when I got there I was curious about what was on his mind for him to do such a noble sacrifice at such a young age, I placed my hand on his forehead and searched through his memories and how wrong was I.

This was no boy, well physically he is a boy but mentally he is a man, a leader, a king, and a ruthless one, but he led his people fairly even under the pressure of those he called the council. I watched his previous life, his whole life and I realized. Agrona was the one who brought him here. If not who else could have done it, Agrona was the only one who had a little understanding of the fate edict and this boy was one of his experiments. I clenched my fist in anger and I had an idea, maybe the fates were on my side. 

The boy was an honorable man, a fair man, just that he is easily blinded by rage and revenge. What if I can fix his flaws then I could do that and he would have the ability to fight Agrona and possibly stop all of this madness. 

I saw the boy's eye twitch and open his eyes slowly, I was just standing while staring down at the boy and when he saw me he immediately jumped up into a fighting stance I saw him use a lot in his previous life.

"I mean no harm Arthur or should I call you by your other name?" I said and I could see confusion in his eyes

"What do you mean by my other name?" He asked me as he kept his distance from me

"Oh you're not fooling anyone with that child's body Grey or king Grey whichever one you prefer," I said and his eyes widen as he turned hostile and let out his bloodlust that was comparable to a young asura

"What do you want? And Who are you?" He tried to ask in an intimidating voice keyword tried because of the child's body it came out more like a squeak which made me laugh

"Come let's get you healed up shall we," I said and he let his guard down a little

"Why should I trust you?" He asked in a calm but cold voice

"Because I mean no harm and I simply want to talk," I said in a soft voice

"Well it's not like I have other choices," He said with a shrug and followed me

I led him to the cave that I was hiding in and started to examine his wounds, healing them without using any of my powers. I gave him some berries and fruits for him to eat and left to fetch some water.

"Who are you?" The boy asked again

"My name is Sylvia, This is not my true form, this is more like a seal that hides my aura" I replied as I gave him the bowl of water

"Who are you hiding from?" The boy asked me after he finished drinking

"Grey or Arthur I want to tell you something," I said in a serious voice which he understood because he also became serious

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