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Stefan POV

I opened my eyes to see the sun rising slowly and tried to sit up, keyword tried. I felt a weight on top of my chest and when I looked I saw a familiar sprawl of green hair sleeping on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her protectively as I remembered what happened last night. I confessed and so did she. She kissed me and what surprised me more was I kissed her back. 

I felt her stir as her heartbeat pattern changed and after a few minutes I felt her hand on my face. My eyes were still closed curious of what she'll do and after a while of caressing my face I felt her lips on mine and I moved my hand to the back of her head and locked her in place then kissing her back.

After a while we broke off and her face was crimson red. She was gasping for air because of how long we kissed. My mind couldn't get off the feeling of her lips on mine. The softness, the sweetness, the warm touch of her lips and the happiness I feel whenever she kissed me. I unconsciously smiled and stood up offering my hand to help her up.

"Come before Aya and Arthur get suspicious" I said and she took my hand

We walked back holding hands, her soft small hand inside mine, a feeling came to me. The need to protect her. The need to hold her forever. To be with her forever. 

When did this happen? It is just my wishful thinking. I am cursed to keep on living while she will one day die. I know this will pain me one day but a big part of me wants to just enjoy the temporary happiness. I looked at her cheerful and bright smile and smiled myself.

We arrived at our camp glad to see Aya and Arthur nowhere to be seen so we pretended as if nothing had happened last night and continued on the morning. Alea made some breakfast whilst I went to wake Arthur up.

I entered his tent to see him sleeping like a baby in his bedroll and after a while of thinking I conjured an ice cold ball of water and dropped it on his face. he jumped out of his bedroll ripping it apart and looked frantically around for enemies.

"Dude who the hell would attack you with a cold water ball to the face?" I mocked and he glared at me

"Screw you" He grumbled and got up

"I need a new bedroll" He said and I chuckled

"Come breakfast is almost ready" I said and he nodded

We came out of the tent and saw that Aya was already up and getting first hands on the pot. Me and Arthur went over and got our share of the stew. We all sat down around the camp fire and ate while talking.

"Where are you going after this Stefan?" Arthur asked and I thought about it Arthur already explained that he'll only be adventuring with Alea and Aya for two years whilst he'll do the last year with another partner 

"I think I might take a rest for a while" I shrugged and continue eating

"Two years of none stop adventuring with you is fun and all but it's starting to drain me" I said after eating a bite

"How about you Arthur? What are you gonna do after adventuring?" I asked as I took another spoon into my mouth

"I'm attending Xyrus academy" He replied and I nodded

A prestigious school seriously what did I expect from Arthur. He's young, he's a yellow core almost a sliver core, he's a quadra elemental with three deviants, and to top it all off he's trained with two lances when he was young.

"How about you two?" I asked Aya and Alea

"Oh other than lance work it's pretty much any normal day for us" Aya replied

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