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"Why did you want to be an Adventurer before even going to school anyways? Wasn't it usually the opposite?" my mother softly muttered.

"Dad's reason was a part of it; I want to test my skills out in real life situations. Also, Mom, I want to at least try to fit in with everyone when I go to school. It would be a lot harder to fit in if I began school at the age of eight. I don't think I'll be able to make much friends with such a big age difference."

It was a very pitiful excuse, but, for once, my mother gave me a look of understanding. I guess it was a mother's worst nightmare for her child to become a loner.

It wasn't a complete lie because I said it thinking of Sylvia's dying wish. She had wanted me to enjoy life and have a life not just of training. This was a promise that I planned on keeping no matter what.

"Besides, I'm going to be here for a couple of months anyway. Who know, maybe you'll get sick of me by then and throw me out before I even get the chance to leave," I winked at my mother.

That earned me a thump on the head but she chuckled as well. "You! You're just like your father at times like these.

"I am my father's son" I said and all of them chuckled

"Thank God you at least have my intelligence." She gave me a big hug, leaving me with a warm feeling that I still wasn't used to.

"Hey! What about my intelligence! He was gifted with my adept abilities in fire too!" My father protested.

I sighed at my parents antics and went to talk a few things with uncle Vincent. The next few days past by like a blur.

Today was supposed to be a normal auction but a certain mage has been eyeing my bond for a while. I didn't like it at all, he tried everything to get Sylvie and even tried to influence the king to take my bond. The king of course immediately also took interest in my bond, I refused a lot of times until I wounded his pride and things kind of escalated.

"Now die brat I'll make sure to take good care of your little pet" Sebastian spat and I canceled his magic

I was now in realmheart and my rage was overflowing.

"Sebastian" I said in a deep and dark voice and I moved but I didn't want to move soon I realize this wasn't me

This was Grey in control

"I have had my patience tested by a lot of people and I have to praise you for being the first one in making me snap" I growled and walked calmly towards him

I slowly sunk my hands inside his chest until I found his heart. I wrapped my hand around his heart as I felt his heart beating so so so fast.

"Now since you're going to die anyways I will warn you. You do well to remember that there are simply people you can't offend, and I am the worst one you'll ever meet. I am a hybrid Sebastian. Half-dragon, Half-human. The royal mage of Sapin will soon be forgotten, no one will remember you or even bother to remember you. But you will remember me Arthur Leywin your killer. Now. Meet. Your. Maker" I said and I squashed his heart as if I was squashing a bug

I cleaned my hand and made sure I had no blood on me and let the flow of time continue. After that there was a scream of horror as people started to see Sebastian's lifeless corpse laying down on the floor. 

"His heart" A knight said

"What happened?" The king demanded

"His heart was squashed" The knight stuttered and paled

"Everyone please leave the room" Uncle Vincent said and with that the auction ended with them taking the conclusion that the mana inside Sebastian somehow went wrong resulting in the mana bursting back inside him leading it to the heart. I know what bullshit they were spouting but they had to come up with something for this and that was the closest case available so they just concluded that and closed the case.

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