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Alea and Damon were going out scouting ahead but when I was just covering our tracks I smelled the strong stench of blood. I followed the smell and led myself to a cave. I heard whispers from inside the cave and before I could contact Damon or Alea I felt a sharp pain from the back of my head.

I scratched the back of my head and turned around to see someone holding a bent metal bat.

"Bad move" I growled and snapped his head

I heard people scream and before I know it dozens of people started to charge at me. I took out my dagger and started to slash through them but I got caught off guard and my mask was knocked off and a drop of blood got into my mouth.

I started to drink their blood and tearing their limbs one by one.

"W..w..what are you?" A slave trader stuttered

"Oh I'm a ripper that means I literally can't stop feeding until I rip someone's head off" I said with a smirk and lunged at him and sank my teeth into his neck

Minutes pass by and their number from eighty became zero only leaving a puddle of blood behind. And the last thing I remember before falling unconscious was the scream of Alea.


I was walking down a village filled with dead bodies. A village that was familiar for me.

"If death is your canvas. This is your masterpiece. Nothing but evil could produce this" A man spoke behind me and gestured around the village filled with mutilated bodies scattered all around

"Good people who could be made wicked, they are evil at their core" The man continued and walked in front of me down the path of mutilated bodies of people

"I don't hurt people indiscriminately anymore" I said out loud and he chuckled

"You. A cold hearted killing machine. But a real ripper enjoys the hunt" The man said and placed his hand on my shoulder and my vision changed


"I heard about this one Salvatore. Always on and off the wagon for centuries. When he was off. He was magnificent" A man who was kneeling in front of me said 

"Well you do have many useful talents. In fact I learned some of my favorite tricks from you" He said with a grin

"Dreaded down and relive the kill over and over. The mere mention of your name struck fear to those who knows you, those who knows of your story. Stefan Salvatore, the one and only true ripper" He whispered and pat my shoulder making my vision change again


"You don't get it I can't stop Damon. I'm a ripper. A ripper doesn't stop. I listen to their pleads that come out of their mouths but all I hear is the sound of their hearts pumping blood through their bodies" I yelled 

"I wanted to drain every single drop of blood from their bodies" I continued

"Look I know what damage I've done to these people I've been living with that guilt for centuries. It hurts me. It hurts me knowing what I've done and that pain. That pain is with me all the time" I said

"Calm down brother don't be sad. You did everything you could to control yourself" Damon consoled me

"Sad? I'm not sad I'm freaking hungry" I said through gritted teeth

"A monster a predator is who I am Damon" I said 

"That's what the blood makes you become" Damon argued

TBATE The Hybrid (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now