Crazy Old Man

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A/N Fuck it my anxiety is not helping me in my exams so I did a quick chapter to calm myself

Arthur POV

He punched me but I ducked just in time for his fist to fly past me, I grabbed his arm and spun trying to twist his arm but he swatted me off of his arm and I saw his left fist almost reach my gut. I augmented my body with mana and receive the impact which sent me back a few feet back. 

"Are you crazy, stop it before one of us gets hurt" I exclaimed as I dodged his strikes

"Bah it would take a miracle for you to hurt me boy, think of it as a little test before you are under my guidance" The old elf smirked

I burst step behind the old elf and stuck him in the knees. His eyes widened as he winced in pain.

" how are you so fast, even with my second phase of my beasts will I would never dream of reaching your speed, tell me how do you do that?" The old elf asked as I mentally cursed for using burst step

" I used lightning magic my internal nerves, with that making lion reaction time on body speed increase" I lied hoping the old man can't do lightning

" I see it's a shame I can't use lightning magic since I am not human but thank you boy for sharing this knowledge I've never seen anyone use anything like what do you did" He said and nodded

"Did I perhaps intrude in your little date boy" He teased and I jsut shook my head

"No Elder it was not a date your granddaughter was simply showing me around Castle, or more like forced me to come with her" I said and sighed

"Don't be a meanie" Tess said as she pinched my waist but I didn't feel any pain

"I see you have thick skin boy" The old elf said as he stroke his beard

" thank you for your compliment Elder Virion" I said and he nodded

"Just make sure to sleep enough because tomorrow we are leaving to my friend's place where she could help contact your family and Xyrus" He said and I nodded

" Oh and Stop calling me Elder virion, you're going to become my student so might as well call me gramps" He said and chuckled while disappearing

"You have a....... unique grandparent Tess" I commented and she sighed

"I know" She simply said and led me back to my room

"Thank you for the tour Tess, I have to say it is a nice place" I said and walked inside my room to be greeted by a familiar black haired elf

" I see you enjoyed your little date Arthur" She teased and I sighed

"I won't even bother explaining it to you since you knew I was with her you must have saw and heard my conversation with gramps, so I want to ask why are you here Aya?" I asked in a monotone voice

" I am simply just being careful for my King and Queen's daughter I was just ensuring her security and that she is safe in Castle borders" She replied

"Dnd I see you weren't doing that great of a job seeing how I found her nearly kidnapped, scratch that she was kidnapped and was nearly taken away from here" I mocked and she playfully glared at me

"You're lucky Elder Virion took you in as his student if not I would have made you suffer for that insult, I may be playful sometimes Arthur but you must also remember even I have my pride to keep" She said in a serious voice and I just waved her off

"Again let me ask you Aya, what do you want?" I said shifting the conversation before it became a bloodbath

"I simply wanted to get to know you better" She said in a casual tone

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