First Day As Adventurers

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Arthur POV

Aya and Alea came to me to tell me that they were ready to go. At first we would register with Jasmine, she said she want to recommend us just to make the registration easier. Alea and Aya changed their hair color and made their ears look like normal human ears. Alea changed her hair to black hair, while Aya turned her hair to navy blue. I changed my hair color to full silver at the duration when I'm an adventurer.

I wore my mask that Uncle Vincent got me and changed my hair color to full silver. We walked to the adventurers guild and registered for the test exams so we would get our adventurer rank. I decided to not hold back same with Aya and Alea, they both wanted to test the human examiners.

Alea had agreed to just use her water magic rather than her plant magic. I gave Alea a sword that was balance for her and we waited. I looked around the arena and found a blond boy looking around arrogantly. I didn't want to cause any trouble so I continued to observe the fights.

Kaspian Bladeheart POV

I watched as Miss Flamesworth  guided her guests into the arena, my focus was concentrated at the young boy who was wearing a mask. I could saw that his mana core stage was dark orange yet his aura was more stronger than a dark orange. I was interested in the boy so I decided to take out my rapier and test him personally.

I watched as the first girl of the three people was called.

"Please come up Phantom" George called out and the woman entered the arena

I watched as George took out his blade but when he looked towards the woman she was gone. Suddenly she appeared behind George her dagger pressed on his neck.

"Phantom wins this round Rank: AA" George announced

"Next up Moonlace" Lizy called out

A/N I don't remember if the female examiner's name was mentioned or not. If anyone knows just correct me

The black haired woman took her distance from Lizy and took out a sword.

"Wait didn't she say she was a conjurer?" I thought but soon water spears were formed and fired rapidly towards Lizy

Lizy conjured an earth wall and blocked most of the water spears but some managed to get through and scratched her. As she recollected herself from the attack moonlace was already in front of her with her sword pointing Lizy's neck

"Moonlace pass rank: AA" Lizy announced

"Next Note" George called out and I got up and walked towards the arena

At first I wanted to see how George would react but I also shivered when the boy entered the arena, his hand already on the handle of his sword sending massive amounts of blood lust as I saw his eyes glow purple through his mask.

I saw George tremble and stepped in.

"Stand down George I'll be personally testing this one" I said and he nodded

"Yes sir" He said and I unsheathed my rapier

I took a stance and readied my sword.

"Begin" George shouted and the boy disappeared 

I spun out of instinct and swung my rapier to feel that my rapier hit something. I saw the boy behind me his sword clashing against mine.

"What the hell?" I yelled mentally

"This is no dark orange core mage" I got serious and used my wind magic to propel me backwards but he caught up his blue blade lit up with fire

I blocked his sword but he had his fist coated in fire ready to strike my gut. I kicked his fist and jumped back shooting a few wind blades towards the boy. He put out the fire on his sword and it crackled with lightning.

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