Sister?! Wait no Sisters?!

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A/N Ok FYI I don't want the story to be too boring so I changed a lot of stuff, Arthur trained with Gramps but I rarely mention that, and he also spends time with Tessia as friends but I don't mention that often. Instead I did something different, so yeah in the elf kingdom he spends a lot of time with two other elves. 

"I'm sorry to be rude but Elder Virion said that you can help me contact my parents" I started and she eyed me carefully

"You don't act like your age, interesting. You are different than a normal child. Tell me Virion where did you find this boy?" The old female elf asked ignoring me

"I wasn't the one who found him, he found Tessia when she was kidnapped and brought her back to the elven kingdom" Gramps replied and The old female elf nodded

"To answer your previous question child I am what you call a deviner, I am able to see the past and future, and I am able to do very unique things no mage is capable of doing" She explained and I nodded

"Your hand" She said and I stretched out my hand and when she touched my hand she immediately jerked back and pulled her hand away from me

"T..This is a first" She muttered but it seems like only I heard it

"Wait here for a moment I need to get something" She said and after a few minutes she returned with a basin of water

"Please envision your family in your mind, concentrate on their appearance" She explained and I nodded

I concentrated on my parents. Soon I saw a vision in the water two figures sat down eating, they were sitting down eating my favorite stew mother used to made back in Ashber. I saw my mother's stomach was very big and finally I decided to talk.

"Hello mother and father" I spoke up and I saw them jerk there heads turning around trying to pin point the source of the voice

"Please calm yourselves I am currently not there, I am using an elf's power to contact you. I am currently residing in the kingdom of the elven race. Please keep this information a secret, I am going to stay for a while because of a deal. I promise you I will return to you but for now please take care of yourselves and the baby whilst I'm away" I said and I saw them cry hugging each other I felt pain throbbing in my heart but I didn't cry.

I looked up and nodded at gramps, he eyed me for a while before giving me a smirk.

"Virion could you possibly lend me Arthur for a while. I want to speak to him privately" The old female elf said and gramps nodded

Gramps and Tessia left the hut after saying goodbye and waited outside. I sighed and sat down more comfortably. She must have seen something through her vision, the problem is was it my past of my future because both of them are equally bad.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked in a monotone voice and she stared at me for a while before she took a seat on a chair

"Who are you?" She simply asked and I shrugged

"I am no one special, just a talented kid forged by survival" I lied and she raised her eyebrow

"Please I saw your meeting with the dragon" She chuckled and I sighed

"So what do you mean by who am I?" I asked her

"She called you by two names, Grey and Arthur. I ask you again child who are you?" She asked me whilst staring at me

"I am no one, just a person wanting to protect his family" I simply replied and she shook her head

"It's surprising to know other worlds exist" She started and I sighed

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