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I woke up in the morning by Sylvie's licking and when I smelled her she was stinky so I did the most reasonable thing anyone would do. I dragged the dragon princess to the bathroom and threw her into a basin where I washed her with soap until she was clean and not stinky anymore.

"Evil Papa" She whined 

"Stinky Princess" I retorted

Sylvie climbed on top of my head and I walked down the stairs to the dining room where Mother and Ellie was already waiting.

"I see I don't need to worry about waking you up anymore Arthur" My mother said and I chuckled

"No mom you don't need to worry about that anymore, except if I decide to be a bum one day" I said and she shook her head

"Come breakfast is almost ready" She said and I Saw Aunty Tabitha cooking next to my mother

"Alright I'm starving anyways" I said and sat down, even though I can't really get hungry anymore but food is still enjoyable

We ate while talking for a while and I was dragged to go shopping and for the first time in forever I felt dread when I entered the barbershop. The barber was scary.

When we got back home I saw Uncle Vincent talking to an elderly woman.

"This is Arthur Director Goodsky, the one I mentioned" Uncle Vincent said pointing at me

I saw the director eye me and I quickly realize she was seeing my core, luckily I already had my necklace so it was fine.

"Rey, Alice, Arthur, I know you guys said that you want to put off school for later but I just couldn't hold it in. Everyone. Meet Cynthia Goodsky! She's the Director of Xyrus Academy."

Noticing the slight twinge of annoyance on my face, Vincent immediately said, "Don't worry, I didn't bring her here to make you go to school right away. I just wanted her to meet you."

The Director gave me a smile that I couldn't quite understand the meaning of and held out her hand. "Nice to finally meet you, Arthur."

What was I supposed to do in this situation? Was I supposed to shake it or is someone of power like her expecting me to kiss her hand or something?

I just went with the safe route and shook her hand.

"Err... Nice to meet you too, Director."

The Director seemed a little taken aback by my introduction.

"Arthur! You're being rude! I'm so sorry for my son, Director Goodsky. He just returned home and is ignorant about formal customs." My mother pushed my head down with her hand while bowing herself, getting on one knee.

Apparently, when meeting someone of high standing, it was customary to get on one knee and shake the hand, while bowing.

How stupid.

"Kukuku, no it is quite all right. No offense taken at all. And please, Arthur, call me Cynthia." She let out a polite laugh with her free hand covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you at such a late time but unfortunately, the only free time I could make was after my meeting tonight. I hope you don't mind," she explained, looking at my parents.

"Nonono, we're thankful that you'd be willing to take the time out just to visit our son." My father was the one to speak this time.

By the amount of formality I had started wondering if this granny could compare to Grandpa Virion.

Director Cynthia nodded at this. "True, it isn't very often that I take a house trip to visit a potential student. Otherwise, even with a hundred bodies, I wouldn't be able to fit the time."

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