The Calm Before The Storm

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A/N Wow 300+ Followers, man never thought I'd see that high of a number lmao. Thanks for reading through my horrible grammar and storylines. Can't believe it's been 7 months since I've joined the fan fic community. It's been so fun talking with other authors and writing Fics, alright I won't waste your time any longer, again thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter.

Arthur POV

We were called to the director's office as Claire and I were moving down the hallway, and when we arrived, Claire opened the door to reveal a familiar face.

"Lance Alea, Lance Bairon?" Claire questioned, startled at seeing two lances.

While I adopted a more conventional strategy.

Alea and I exchanged hugs as I drew nearer to her.

I said, "Sister, I didn't know you were here," and she grinned and ruffled my hair.

Alea asked, "Director, can I borrow Arthur for a while?" The director nodded, and I last saw a bewildered Claire as I was leaving.

I made sure Alea wasn't using any sensory magic while leading her to the history class, and I cast a wind barrier without her knowledge to mask her scent from Stefan. Alea had no idea that I was doing this.

"Alea, did you know that your boyfriend works at the academy as a teacher?" When I inquired, her eyes widened to indicate that she was unaware that Stefan was present.

I opened the door to the history class and dragged her inside. Stefan's eyes widened when he saw us and he turned to face his students.

He announced, "Okay students, you may leave class early today," and I'm pretty sure he forced them to leave.

"But how did you get them to leave so obidiently?" Alea inquired, a little surprised.

Alea's eyes widened as I remarked, "Well Stefan here forgot to mention his little mind control powers."

"You can mind control people?" When she questioned, Stefan nodded.

He clarified, and She nodded, "Only people that have weak minds and those who are weaker than me."

"So did you miss me?" Alea asked as she drew closer, and I decided to leave since I didn't want to be stuck here when they started fighting.

I returned to the director's office after leaving and discovered Claire and the director were still there.

"What?!" They looked at me strangely when I entered, so I asked them.

"You have a lance for a sister?!" Claire asked me immediately after she snapped out from her doze

"Yeah I have a lance for a sister why?" When I asked, she gave me an idiotic look.

"Is there anything else I should know?" I debated telling Claire that one of the teachers here is a lances lover when she asked because I was afraid too many surprises would make her have a heart attack.

I shook my head and she nodded

"Good, so did the director give you everything you needed, or do we still need to sit here and talk?" When I inquired, she shook her head.

Claire said, "We're good to go back," and I followed her out of the director's office and back.

When we passed the history class on the way back, I perked up my ears to make sure the two of them weren't acting inappropriately. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard talking from the history classroom rather than groaning.

The history class is supposed to be in session at this time, right? Why's everything so quiet? Claire questioned as she made a U-turn and headed for the history classroom door.

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