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Time Skip Sponsored By Aevum

Arthur POV

I was walking down the cities of Xyrus a few hours before the announcement so I decided to go drink some coffee and stopped to a familiar cafe where I found it was nearly full and there was only one seat left.

After a few minutes I saw a familiar woman with snow white hair being led to my chair by the waiter and asked if it was fine to share a seat and I nodded.

"We should really stop meeting like this" I joked and she looked at me for a moment before her eyes widen

"What are the chances to meet again Arthur Leywin" She said with a curt nod 

"It is nice to see you again Varay Aurae" I said with a small nod and she sat down in front of me

"You seem to grow taller and stronger" She said and I was glad to activate my necklace this time

"What core are you right now? I can't seem to see it" She said and I raised my eyebrow

"I think that's going a little private. with the fact that we barely know each other" I said with a smirk but her face stayed neutral

"Apologies" She said softly and I just waved it off

I looked at her uniform one more time before I realized, that it was the same uniform Alea and Aya was wearing. So she's one of the human lances. I took out a piece of paper and a pen out of my ring and wrote the words.

"Are you a lance?"

"How about this you fill up my curiosity and I'll fill up yours" I said and she eyed me curiously

"What do you wish to know?" She asked me and I slipped the paper beside her right hand that was resting on the table

When she picked up the paper she showed an expression of surprised and she eyed me.

"How do you know of this?" She asked me curiously

"Now now one question only, are you sure that's the question you choose" I said with a smirk and she looked conflicted for a moment

Inside Of Varay's Mind Sponsored By Professor X (Yeah get used to random references)

I'm conflicted. At one side I want to know his core, and the other I want to know how he found out about lances, two of those questions are hard to choose between. I pondered for a while and sighed in defeat whilst chuckling mentally by how I just got played by a boy. I shook my head and asked my question

Back to Arthur POV

"What is your core now?" She asked me

I wrote down the words mid silver on the paper and handed to her. Here eyes widen as she looked at me in disbelief so I turned off my artifact for a split second just enough for her to see it. Why was I trusting her so much? I don't know myself but she just feels trustworthy.

"Now what do you want to know?" She asked me, I took out another piece of paper and a pen and wrote my question

"Who is the strongest lance?" 

I gave the paper to her and she started to write something down.

"Currently we have never sparred against each other, but in the human faction I am the strongest" She wrote down, I nodded 

We talked about magic and a little bit of our daily lives for a few minutes before I had to go.

I stood up and was about to leave but she stopped me and handed me a scroll.

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