Chapter 1

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A/N : story will mostly be in Sasuke, Sakura, Eren, and Mikasa's pov.



Sasuke pov:

I was 12 when it happened, when the world changed.

When the world nearly ended.

I watched with my own eyes how those things invaded my home.

My mother had just made dinner, she made my favorite, she knew I loved tomatoes and added extra that night. My father actually had a smile of his face, something rare that no one really lived to see, apparently my mother had informed him of my good grades and I was the reason that smile was on his face.

"Thats my boy, Sasuke"

That was the last thing my father said to me, words I yearned to hear from him ever since I was able to walk probably, those same words always uttered to my older brother. I had finally felt accomplished.

My big brother was late coming home this day, he had practice with our older cousin Shisui so mother wrapped his plate leaving it to cool in the refrigerator.

After eating, I took my bath and got into my bed smiling happily of the events at dinner. Something as small as a smile made me extremely happy that night.

I had closed my eyes excited to finally tell my brother what father said.

When I heard the door to our house open I was way too excited and jumped out of bed.

"Big brother! You won't believe it guess what father said!" I said unable to hold my excitement jumping with joy.

But the silhouette shaped like my older brother stood in the doorway still.

"Big brother?" I said trying to get the attention of my brother who said nothing who didn't even greet me which he usually does"

"Come on big brother you're scaring me." I said as I took a step closer. The silence of the room was evident as the floor creaked ominously.

Once I took that step the silhouette I thought was my older brother separated into two, and thats when horror struck me.

When the two individuals walked into the threshold of light. They looked dead.

They looked like zombies.

I screamed for my mother and father who walked out the room in a panic scared that something was happening.

My father yelled greatly wanting to know who was in our house, both of the zombie like creatures walked out and began walking towards my parents.

They made horrifying groaning noises which filled the room.

"SASUKE RUN" my mother and father yelled as I stared in horror watching as the two beings fought with my parents.

I didn't know where to go so I disappeared into the darkness watching the physical altercation happen.

They ended slipping into the darkness themselves and thats when I heard it.

A thud like sound.

Then blood began to spread and thats when I knew.

My parents had just been killed.

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