Chapter 16

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Mikasa pov:

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"I don't want to leave tonight." I said as I sat in between Eren's legs as we swayed admiring the city from the very top of the palace, beside us was Sasuke and Sakura in a similar position. We ended up coming up here to get a better view of the sky.

"Me either, I just want this to be reality." He said against my neck which he snuggled into.

"Unfortunately our reality is fighting dead people." I said sadly. "I'm tired of seeing so many people die." I added.

"We'll put a stop to it, our plan will work and everything will fall in place, and we'll finally have our happily ever after..the four of us will make sure everything is put to a stop." He said as I nodded.

Eventually it had gotten late, and we walked with Sasuke and Sakura to get Sarada from Levi who was fast asleep, we walked them to Sasuke's room where they bid us goodbye.

"I guess I'll go to my quarters." I said sadly. I wanted nothing more than to sleep beside Eren tonight. It's been so long since we've even sat in a bed together.

"Come to my room." He said.

My eyes widened slightly as I looked at him then turned my head. "We can't, you share a room with Historia." I said

He chuckled. "You honestly think we always shared a bed?" He said. "I have another room, we can sleep there, if Historia gets nosey I can simply tell her I was doing work and fell asleep there." He said.

He lead the way to his other room and once we got inside, Eren locked the door and pulled me on top of him.

"We didn't get a chance to finish what we started the other day." He said.

"Eren people are sleeping!" I said.

"No one will hear us over here trust me." He said.

I bit my lip nervously as I looked down at his face, he had a smirk plastered on his lips which is where my eyes lingered. I leaned my head down and placed my lips on top of his.

He immediately started to get into the kiss as his hands got tangled in my hair and I steadied myself on the sides of his body.

When Eren slipped his tongue into my mouth a low chuckle escaped his lips from my sudden gasp at the action.

He sat up slightly and flipped me to be at the bottom where he hovered over me and kept continued to kiss me, his lips trailed my jawline, my neck and the he made it a little over my breast.

"You looked beautiful today in this gown, but I'm about to rip it off of you." He said.

I giggled from excitement as Eren began to tear the clothes right off mg body. A feeling of ecstasy was what this was at this very moment. Ever since Eren left I vowed that I was never giving my body to no one but him, so for 2 years I've been craving this, wanting this, needing this.

My clothes were all off, nothing covered my body, I was bear and the cool air from the ventilation breezed down which made me cover my now hardened nipples.

"Dont be shy" he said.

"I'm just cold" I said.

He removed my hands slowly and began to flick his tongue on each of my nipples going in a pattern from left to right, the action and feeling made small moans escape my mouth and throw my head back. Usually such foreplay wouldn't turn me on immediately but it's been so long since I have this and every little intimate touch was driving me up a wall.

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