Chapter 10

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Sasuke pov:

Me, Annie, and Bertolt rode quietly to the city where our mission would take place. It was too quiet, Bertolt would usually talk Annie's head off but he wasn't.

"So are we going to discuss the elephant in the room or are we just going to act like we didn't hear that child call you papa?" Annie spoke up.

"The mother said she calls everyone that."

"I would believe that..but the child is a spitting image of you Uchiha.. and there's only one person I know you'd lay down with to make a child. Funny how that woman never faced us and kept her Scarf on." Annie said.

"What are you getting at?"

"Oh nothing, just that you're hiding something, hiding that you and Haruno have a child together and that she was in Tokyo without the approval of the king. Which means she met with you, but what exactly for?" She asked as she stopped her horse and turned to me.

I glared at the blonde. If I wanted to, I could turn and snap her neck with even touching her, I could place her under genjutsu..but no point in killing her, it'll only build the suspicion they have on me.

"Okay fine, it was Sakura with our daughter, I just found out, she took the child to the park to play, I bumped into them, thats all, as you can see I returned them to where they stay now, no point in interrogation" I said.

"Hm didn't spill anything? She didn't give you any valuable information?" She asked.

"I just wanted to see my child once I found out I had one. Simple, I didn't want them in any un deserving trouble, so I took them home." I said.

"Hm, lets keep moving." Annie said.

I could see her continuously looking over her shoulder at me as well as Bertolt.

"You two got something to say you better spit it out now" I said.

"We don't trust you Uchiha, the last Uchiha who served the king is marked for death now, We believe you said something to Sakura, and I'm afraid we'll have her head." Bertolt said as I halted my horse.

"Never touch Sakura" I said snapping.

"Im afraid she knows too much, it'll be a quick painless death." He said.

I pulled out a gun and shot the bastard dead in his brain where his body fell limp off of his horse. His horse raised its body in the air neighing before taking off.

Annie sat in shock as she looked at his lifeless body with wide eyes.

" killed him..." she said. "You fucking killed him.." she muttered as she got off her horse and walking over to his lifeless corpse. "You bastard." She snapped at me looking at me with teary eyes.

"I'm in charge of this mission, and as far as I'm concerned he was put down for insubordination." I said. "Get back on your horse and lets keep moving." I said.

" will pay for this." She said as she looked down at Bertolt's lifeless body leaning down kissing his dead cold lips.

"If you want to cross me, it'll be you next, I don't appreciate threats being made against Sakura." I said as I trotted leading in front of Annie.

We ended up making it to the city asking for the name of a certain individual and asking where they reside, once we found him we executed them on behalf of the king and carried his head back with us. The king wanted it so he got it.

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