Chapter 14

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Mikasa pov:

"They can't sit in while we punish Gabi." Historia said as she looked up at Eren who sighed. Right now he was talking to Historia trying to get the Okay for us to be in the room while we watch Gabi be punished for killing Sasha who was in fact innocent of all the claims Gabi spouted since Falco was an eye witness who told the truth.

"Why not? Sasha isn't just some random bastard on the street she's our friend! Why can't they watch the motherfucker who killed her be punished?" He said to the blonde.

We all stood awkwardly behind the two as they argued.

"Here Auntie Mika, have some" I looked down at Sarada who held out a cracker for me, she was snacking on some since she whined to Levi she got hungry so he got her some crackers.

"Thank you" I said to the small child who I smiled softly at. After Taking the cracker she grabbed my hand then turned back to Eren and Historia.

I looked back in that direction as well and noticed how Historia would casually look past Eren and directly at me.

"Jäeger the lady said no, don't you know when to back down?" Reiner said walking up with Annie and two other people we didn't know.

"Stay in your place Braun." Eren said with a deep voice as he turned to the four. "Who are these two?"

"This is Pieck and Porco." Annie said nonchalantly. "They've joined with us, they're warriors in the Royal guard." She added.

"Who permitted this?" Eren asked.

"The king of course, and Zeke" She said.

Eren scoffed then turned back to Historia.

"They're watching and thats final." He said as he started to walk past her when Reiner and Porco grabbed him.

Immediately I let go of Sarada's hand and ran over to them.

"Auntie Mika wait!"

I could hear the sound of small feet running behind me, but I was focused on removing their hands off of Eren.

"Stay back" A guard said as he stood in my way.

"Move! Now!" I said trying to get past him.

"Stay back!" He said louder as I looked at the three past the guard. Reiner and Porco still had their hands on Eren which was pissing me off more than anyone knew.

It wasn't until I saw a head full of black hair on a toddler run up into the middle of the debacle.

"Sarada! Get over here!" Levi said as he walked up but another Guard stopped him.

"Move back pipsqueak" they said as Levi glared at the man and stepped on his foot then kicked him in his groin and walked past him.

I did the same and immediately went and stood protectively in front of Eren.

"Huh, your side bitch coming to the rescue?" The one named Porco said as I glared at him. "Oh I see, this is one half of the Ackermans who came back..I see the other half is here playing step father." He said as his eyes moved from me to Levi repeatedly. "I must say, Ms Ackerman here is quite the beauty, I can't decide whether I want her or that pretty little pink haired doctor." He said licking his lips.

"My mama has my papa!" Sarada said sticking her tongue out.

"Is that so? Well if she keeps looking so fine you might have two step father's" He said as I walked directly in front of him.

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