Chapter 3

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Eren pov:

"Eren let me talk to you" Levi said calling me over. We were at a facility in the city which were distributing weapons to groups, Sasuke and Sakura didn't need any but me and Mikasa needed to re-up

"What is it?"

"Leave the ODM gear" he said as I looked at him.

"What?! Why we need it don't we? If we're going near Kyoto then there are bound to be walkers!"

"You idiot have you even inspected your own shit?" He said as I looked down at my busted gear. "It hasn't had the proper maintenance since we've been on the move, the inaccurate tinkering isn't enough, leave it so Hange can maintenance it properly, a hand gun and a blade should do you good" he said. "Also while you're out keep a level head, Sasuke and Sakura are comrades now, no need to always be hostile." He said as I gritted my teeth.

"Aa, Eren, I've heard lots about you" The masked man said. "I'm Kakashi" he said.


"Hm hot tempered like Naruto and cold Like Sasuke" he said as I scoffed.

"Dont lump me in with them" I said.

"Eren, are you ready?" Mikasa said walking over.

"Um yeah, they want us to leave our ODM gear for maintenance." I said.

"I know,Levi informed me" she said.

"Mikasa, watch over the brat make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Levi said as I grunted.

"I'm not some little kid y'know" I said.

"Yeah sure...anyways we want a full report once you return back, understood?" Levi said.

"Understood" me and Mikasa said

We holstered our firearms and placed katanas on our backs. We went by the door waiting for Sakura and Sasuke to come down.

I fidgeted slightly as I rubbed my neck.

"Whats the matter?" Mikasa asked walking closer to me.

"My neck, it hurts, Maybe because I couldn't get comfortable last night" I said.

"Was it my fault? I could find another room with a free bed" Mikasa said.

"What? Don't be ridiculous, I think I was just stressed, so much is happening so fast, I must've psyched myself out" I said grabbing her hand. "You can always sleep right next to me" I said.

Eventually Sakura and Sasuke came and we set off. The sun was just coming up, which means most of everyone was still sleep.

We set out on foot, heading towards Kyoto.

"We've been walking for an hour now, are we near Kyoto yet?" I asked Sasuke.


"Then where the hell are we?"

He grunted. "You'll know when we reach Kyoto, let me remind you we are on feet, it's going to take more than a small stroll to get there and get back, I hope you two packed something for overnight in case we don't get back when planned."

"Of course we did we're not rookies" I said

Mikasa bumped my arm as I looked at her with a expression asking what I did wrong.

SasuSaku x Eremika : WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now