Chapter 19

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Levi pov:

Not edited or proofread please excuse typos❤️

"Eren stop it!" Mikasa screamed as she pulled him off the bloody mess which was Franz. Usually I'd step in but this ass whooping was nothing but justified. He hurt Mikasa and that's unforgivable.

"Get this piece of shit out of here, throw him outside of the city, let see if Walkers take advantage of him" Eren said to some guards who quickly picked the man up.

He turned to Mikasa.

"Mikasa, are you okay?" He asked.

She shook her head and looked up at him with teary eyes, he quickly engulfed her in an embrace and held her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, it was all my fault..had you not hurt yourself chasing me, he wouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry Mikasa." Eren said with a break in his voice.

"It's okay" she cried into his chest.

"Levi!" I turned to see Sakura walking towards me with Sasuke panting.


"Have you seen Sarada? We left her in the room to sleep while we all met but we just checked and she's not there! Is she in your room?" She asked.

"No, I haven't been to my room nor to your room, we need to find her." I said.

"Sarada is missing?" Armin asked.

"Yes! Just help us find her! She probably was scared because we weren't in the room and wandered alone" Sakura said.

"Okay, you and Sasuke take your wing of the palace, Eren and Mikasa take the left wing and Armin and myself will take the right wing" I said.

Everyone scattered while they searched for the little girl. It was unusual for her to wander off especially alone because she knew better, but considering she was probably tired she was probably confused on why her parents werent in the room with her when she woke up."

"Sarada!" Armin said as he looked down a hallway.

"Munchkin!" I screamed.

"Levi! We need to be quiet! People are sleeping" Armin said.

"Sarada is missing and you think I'm concerned about people sleeping? I could care less. SARADA!" I screamed.

He sighed. "I'll go this way, check those rooms." He said jogging down the hallway.

I ended up checking almost every room on this hall when I almost gave up but could hear something shuffle in what looked like a maintenance closest door.

I reached for the doorknob slowly turning it and when I did sitting in a ball on the floor shaking and crying was Sarada.

"Munchkin." I said.

She looked up and immediately jumped into my arms.

"Uncle Levi!" She said hugging my neck crying. "I was so scared! I woke up and went looking for mama and papa and I got lost and saw a big monster! I was so scared I thought I'd die!" She said.

"A big monster? Here in the palace?" I asked.

"Yes, Mama always said when I see one to run and hide always! So I ran was so scary." She said.

"You saw a walker?" I asked as she pulled back rubbing her eyes where tears threatened to fall.

I knew she couldn't be delusional or lying because she was genuinely frightened.

SasuSaku x Eremika : WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now