Chapter 24

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Sasuke Pov:

10 months Later.

"Everyone gather." Levi said as he stood side by side with Hange. She had just returned to the palace after 10 long months and with her were many gas canisters filled with the antidote..

"Hange you're back!" Sakura said happily greeting the woman as she gave a curt nod with a smile.

"Yes I am, I have been informed that Historia did in fact have the baby a month ago correct?" She asked.

"Yes, I delivered her" Sakura said.

"Her? So its a girl? How does it look?" Hange asked.

"Exactly like Eren..brown eyes.." Mikasa said through her scarf.

"Are you okay Mikasa?" Hange asked.

"She's been moping around for the last month because Eren has to be with Historia and the baby, but its the only way to make everything look realistic." Levi said as Mikasa glared at him.

"Shut up Levi" she said coldly.

"Dont give me that shit brat, get your shit together." He said with the same coldness lacing his tone causing Mikasa to roll her eyes.

"Okay, so the wedding is scheduled for tomorrow, are we still up to par with the plan?" Hange asked.

"Yes, I've already packed the baby's things away, I'll be sure to be gone right before the wedding starts" Sakura said.

"Here everyone, we have walkie talkies, me and Shikamaru will dictate the plan behind the scenes and will make sure everyone knows their cue. These will reach all the way to the bunker so Sakura keep in contact so we can know your position." Armin said.

"Okay" she answered.

"Sasuke and Mikasa are likely to be up on the alter with Eren and Historia as well as the others of the Royal guard." Levi said. "So when you throw the canisters make sure its into the crowd and not the alter or you'll risk turning Sasuke and Eren back, and it'll put us at a disadvantage if the other four still have their abnormal powers while we have nothing."

"Even without these powers, I was trained on how to take down the hardest of walker's so a disadvantage will be a stretch..I can kill them." I said.

"Sure you can hotshot,  but we're not risking it, with just one look from you with your Sharingan Abilities you should be able to place them under genjutsu." Levi said.

"Man..all this Walker talk is making me want Ramen." Naruto said stretching as I smacked him.

"Hey! Teme! What was that for?!?"

"Stop talking about Ramen in a time like this, trivial thoughts will only fuck up what we have planned and If you fuck up tomorrow I'll kill you myself." I said.

"Hange was Sarada okay when you left?" Sakura asked.

"Yes she was eating with the others, for a safety precaution we placed her in a different room than the ones she's been staying at, just incase" Hange said as Sakura nodded

"Good" I said.

"Alright everyone take a Walkie talkie place the earpiece in and do a mic check before we actually use it them for the operation." Armin said as we all separated after equipping the walkies and began to make sure they worked.

"Ramen 1 over...Ramen 2 over...." Naruto said into the mic as I sighed.

"Idiot we can heard you" I said into the mic.

SasuSaku x Eremika : WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now